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Adisa Septuri


Adisa Septuri

Adisa Septuri is part of a new wave of Bay Area storytellers who are both bold and creatively adventurist in their filmmaking. He is an award-winning director, producer, and philanthropist. Adisa’s Sports and Arts Academy (his philanthropic work) for underprivileged youth living in the diamond mining district of Sierra Leone/West Africa is currently in construction and is set for a grand opening in 2023.

Adisa’s Sports and Arts Academy

United States

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Alexa Vachon


Alexa Vachon

Alexa Vachon is a scholar, image maker, and visual storyteller whose work focuses on themes including agency, trauma, displacement, queer identity, power structures, and ethical responsibilities in visual representation. She’s drawn to issues that she has personal experience with, often collaborating with those who don’t fit neatly into society’s boxes. After many years in New York, Berlin, and The Hague, she is currently pursuing her PhD in Communication & Culture at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) where her research explores the issues of ongoing and evolving consent in photographic representation and collaborative research practices. Vachon’s work has been exhibited widely and featured in FOAM, PHmuseum, and the British Journal of Photography. In 2018 she published RISE, a Canada Council for the Arts funded book project with the women of Champions ohne Grenzen, a football team for refugee players in Berlin. Alexa is the co-director of SORCE (Scholarship on Research-Creation Expertise), a research-creation collective at TMU & York Universities that supports arts-based practices in graduate programs.

Toronto Metropolitan University


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Alfred Romuald Gambou


Alfred Romuald Gambou

Enseignant-chercheur en Philosophie de l’éducation à l’Université Catholique de l’Ouest de Nantes, collaborateur scientifique au laboratoire du CREN, Université de Nantes.


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Allison Butler


Allison Butler

Allison Butler is a senior lecturer and director of the media literacy certificate program in the Department of Communication at UMass Amherst. She is the author of Educating Media Literacy: The Need for Critical Media Literacy and Teacher Education. She is the co-author of the open source text, Critical Media Literacy and Civic Learning: Interactive Explorations for Students and Teachers. She's also co-authored the new book, The Media and Me: A Guide to Critical Media Literacy for Young People.

University of Massachusetts Amherst

United States

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Aly Ndiaye


Aly Ndiaye

Alias Webster, est né et a grandi dans le quartier Limoilou à Québec. D’un père sénégalais et d’une mère québécoise, il a toujours été fier de ses origines et se présente comme un ‘SénéQueb’ métis pure laine. Sa passion pour l’histoire l’a mené à faire des études universitaires dans ce domaine. Militant, Webster s’implique beaucoup socialement. Il donne régulièrement des conférences sur une multitudedesujets dont, son thème de prédilection, l'histoire de la présence afro-descendante et l’esclavage au Québec et au Canadadepuis l’époque de la Nouvelle-France. Afin de mieux diffuser ces informations, il a mis sur pied les tours Qc History X, une visite guidée de la ville de Québec à propos de ce pan d’histoire largement méconnu. Il était aussi le commissaire de l'exposition Fugitifs! au Musée National des Beaux-Arts du Québec d’avril à septembre 2019. Depuis 2009, il parcourt le monde afin de présenter des ateliers d'écriture où il apprend l'utilisation créative du français à travers le rap. Il a visité plusieurs universités américaines dont Harvard, M.I.T., Howard, Georgetown et UCLA. Il a aussi donné des concerts, des conférences et des ateliers d’écriture dans plusieurs pays d’Afrique, d’Asie, d'Europe et d'Amérique du Sud. Côté musical, Webster est actif depuis 1995 ; membre-fondateur du collectif Limoilou Starz, il est un vétéranet l'un des pionniers du mouvement hip-hop québécois. Le Vieux de la Montagne est reconnu pour la qualité de ses textes ainsi que l'intelligence de ses propos. Son art est un outil qu’il affine depuis près de trois décennies afin de véhiculer de la manière la plus créative son bagage culturel et intellectuel. Webster est l’auteur d’un manuel d’écriture hip-hop, À l’Ombre des Feuilles (Québec Amérique, 2019), d'un livre jeunesse à propos d’Olivier Le Jeune, le premier esclave africain au Canada, Le Grain de Sable (Septentrion, 2019) et le traducteur français du Contrat racial (Mémoire d’encrier, 2023) de Charles W. Mills. Depuis 2023, il représente le Québec au sein de la Commission des lieux et monuments historiques du Canada.


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Amanda McKibbon


Amanda McKibbon

Reflecting her commitment to promoting a harmonious and connected world, Amanda’s career has focused on child and youth mental health, animal well-being, and environmental conservation. Amanda, who holds a BA in Psychology, has dedicated over eight years to child and youth mental health, emphasizing well-being in residential treatment settings and at the Hospital for Sick Children. Passionate about animal welfare, Amanda also earned a Master's in Animal Behaviour and Welfare Science, leading to leadership roles at the Ontario SPCA where she had the pleasure of collaborating with community and industry partners to improve the lives of animals, people, and their communities. Amanda also led the organization’s humane education programs, broadening their scope to integrate Indigenous perspectives and consider animal well-being within the larger and interconnected context of human and environmental health. As an Environmental Educator at the Tiffin Conservation Centre, she nurtures connections between youth and nature, while addressing climate anxiety in young minds. Through her work as a co-founders of OneKind, Amanda is dedicated to the capacity for education to cultivate respect and compassion among communities as well as foster an appreciation and a sense of kinship for one another, animals, and the environment.



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Amina Humphrey


Amina Humphrey

Amina “AmXn” Humphrey an artist, Black Feminist, Critical Race Theory scholar, ethnographic/action researcher, and teacher. She was one of the first cohorts of graduate students in the late 90s/early 2000s to study critical race theory and education at UCLA in the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies/Social Sciences and Comparative Education Division. Amina has over twenty-five years of experience in race/ethnic studies, African American studies, visual and performing arts, gender studies, media studies, qualitative research/action research, culturally-responsive sustainable teaching and learning, curriculum/instruction, and special education. She is a Ford Fellow, Fulbright recipient (twice), and UCLA alumna. Amina is the founder of the BLACK! Critical Media Literacy Conference: Awareness! Action! Advocacy! in the African Diaspora.

Black Critical Media Literacy

United States

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Andrea Gambino


Andrea Gambino

Andrea Gambino (she/her) is an educator, researcher, and community-engaged activist who recently obtained her Ph.D. in Education (UCLA). Her work centers K-16 teachers’ perspectives/practices of critical media literacy, with a focus on social and environmental justice education. She is passionate about engaging in story-sharing with teachers about what foregrounds their work as justice-driven educators and how they design/implement critical media literacy pedagogies to enhance students’ critical analysis of information and their processes to produce alternative media. Andrea formerly served as a secondary English/history teacher and school-based leader for a decade.


United States

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Andrea Fabiana Zilbersztain


Andrea Fabiana Zilbersztain

Educadora Popular y miembra de la Cooperativa de Educadorxs e Investigadorxs Populares histórica (CEIPH) de Argentina. Coordinadora del Bachillerato Popular Impa . Licenciada y Profesora en Ciencias de la Educación por la Universidad Nacional de Luján, Argentina. Maestranda en Ciencias Sociales con especialización en Educación por la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales- FLACSO Argentina. Docente e investigadora de la Universidad Nacional de Luján- Argentina. Integrante del GT Educaciones Populares y Pedagogías Críticas- CLACSO. Cofundadora del espacio feminista latinoamericano “El Aquelarre de las insumisas”. Autora y coautora de diversos libros y artículos sobre las temáticas: Educación Popular, Pedagogías Críticas, Educación de Jóvenes y Adultxs en Argentina y América Latina.


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André Dudemaine


André Dudemaine

Innu membre de la communauté de Mashteuiatsh, est un leader du milieu culturel autochtone au Québec. C'est l'histoire d'un long cheminement entre réalisation cinématographique, animation culturelle, éducation populaire et enseignement universitaire, tant d'aspects qui ont mené à l’organisme Terres en vues et au Festival Présence autochtone qui a fêté son 33ème anniversaire cette année 2023. Au Département des études cinématographiques de l’Université Concordia, il a eu la charge du cours First Nations and Film et il a enseigné au certificat en cinéma pour étudiants autochtones dans le cadre d’un programme du CEPN-UQAC. Il reçoit plusieurs prix au nom de Terres en vues dont il est membre fondateur (1990). L’Assemblée nationale du Québec lui décerne également le prix Jacques-Couture pour le rapprochement interculturel (2002), en tant que président de la Corporation des fêtes de la Grande Paix de Montréal (1701-2001), Prix droits et libertés. Il a présenté un mémoire intitulé Invisibilisation à la Commission royale canadienne sur les peuples autochtones.


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Andy Lee Roth


Andy Lee Roth

Andy Lee Roth is the associate director of Project Censored. He coordinates the Project’s Campus Affiliates Program, a news media research network of several hundred students and faculty at two dozen colleges and universities across North America. His research and writing have been published in a variety of outlets, including Index on Censorship, In These Times, YES! Magazine, Media, Culture & Society, and the International Journal of Press/Politics. He earned a PhD in sociology at the University of California, Los Angeles, and a BA in sociology and anthropology at Haverford College.


United States

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Angelica Ramos Velasco


Angelica Ramos Velasco

Originaria de la ciudad de México, donde cursó sus estudios de licenciatura en la Facultad de Derecho de la UNAM, así como la especialidad en Derecho Penal en la misma Universidad. Cuenta con estudios en materia de género, víctimas de violencia, Derechos políticos-electorales de las mujeres, pueblos y comunidades indígenas entre otros. Actualmente se desempeña como profesora de asignatura en la Facultad de Derecho de la UNAM, forma parte del equipo de colaboradoras de la Coordinación de Vinculación Internacional de la misma Facultad desde el 2018 y forma parte del Órgano Dictaminador de la Alcaldía Xochimilco de la Ciudad de México para Presupuesto Participativo 2023 y 2024.


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Angustia Torres Diaz


Angustia Torres Diaz

Angustia Torres Diaz es educadora en Santa María Huazolotitlán, Oaxaca y ha impartido clases en escuela primaria toda su vida. Es Directora de la Organizacion Social Africa A.C. y Red por el Reconocimiento Constitucional del Pueblo Negro de Mexico;la cual hizo posible que el Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía de Mexico incluyela preguntas que hicieron visible identificar que cerca de 3 millones de personas se identifican como Afro-mexicanos. Ella es autora de los libros de poesia Alma Cimarrona (1999) and Ebano, Versos Costeños y Poesía Regional Afromestiza (2006).


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Ann-Sophie Boily


Ann-Sophie Boily

De descendance Pekuakamiulnuatsh et Euro-canadienne. Elle est étudiante au doctorat en linguistique appliquée et analyse de discours à l’Université Carleton, sous la direction de Rachelle Vessey et d’Émilie Urbain. Ses travaux portent sur la place et les représentations des langues autochtones au Parlement et dans les médias. Elle y mobilise une approche à visée décoloniale, explorant des stratégies et assumant une positionnalité qui visent une déconstruction des structures coloniales qui perdurent en recherche et dans les discours qu’elle analyse. Cette question décoloniale est transversale également dans son rapport à son identité et à ses relations, dans son travail comme dans sa vie personnelle.


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Anna Eme


Anna Eme

Anna Eme is a public health specialist, researcher, and advocate with a concentration in global health development and a certificate in maternal and child health. Anna has years of global experience, having worked in central Haiti and Sierra Leone. Anna is the co-founder and co-host of The First Gems Podcast, a safe space for first-generation millennials to unite, discover, heal, and share their experiences.

United States

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Ashley Rerrie


Ashley Rerrie

Currently serves as a Grant Operations Officer with Equality Fund, a feminist funding agency that funds women’s rights organizations projects globally. She worked as the Country Director of Casa Canadiense – Pueblito Canada in Nicaragua where she practised allyship by supporting numerous small scale, often women-led, community development projects in ongoing consultation with the local leadership.

Equality Fund


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Athapol Anunthavorasakul


Athapol Anunthavorasakul

Director, Research and Development Center on Education for Sustainable Development, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University Based on 14 years working as Director of ESD Center and more than 20 years as Teacher Educator, Athapol Anunthavorasakul is one who engaged with Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)/Global Citizenship Education (GCED). His works on AUthentic Learning Activities with Integrated Curriculum have been developed for Pre-service Teacher Training in the Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University and In-service Teacher Training among the network of Thai Civic Education. He is now take charge as a Director of GCED Cooperation Center (Thailand) and Head of Division of Teaching Social Studies, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University. For Pre-service teacher training program, he has took charge for courses in undergraduate program and co-curricular program have been developed based on authentic learning approach and transformative pedagogy to facilitate inner change of students and broaden pre-service teacher students’ perspectives on ESD/GCED themes such Sustainable Development, Diversity, Change, Human Security and Human Rights. For In-service teacher training, He has collaborated with network from universities, key policy makers from Ministry of Education and civil society create platform of learning to build capacity of primary-secondary school teacher and teacher educator in teaching GCE/ESD themes with Civic Education program. Moreover, he plays a significant role as SLC educator to support 22 schools in Bangkok and 6 schools in Nakorn Rachasima implement SLC approach for teacher development and school improvement. Meanwhile, he is a key actor to promote and communicate the concepts and approach of School as Learning Community (SLC) to Teacher Education Institutes and wider education community.

Chulalongkorn University

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Aurelio Sánchez Suárez


Aurelio Sánchez Suárez

Maya originario de Nunkiní, Profesor Investigador y actualmente Coordinador de la Unidad de Ciencias Sociales, del Centro de Investigaciones Regionales de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Es Arquitecto por el Instituto Tecnológico de Campeche; Maestro en Restauración por la Escuela Nacional de Conservación, Restauración y Museografía del INAH; Doctor en Arquitectura por la Facultad de Arquitectura UNAM y con un Posdoctorado en la Coordinación de Humanidades de la UNAM. Sus líneas de investigación abordan temas sobre preservación del patrimonio cultural y biocultural, paisaje cultural, patrimonio vernáculo, territorio, saberes y cultura maya; de las cuales ha coordinado proyectos de investigación inter y transdisciplinarios, así como publicación científica en libros y revistas nacionales y del extranjero. Es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, miembro investigador del Comité Nacional México “Reconectando con tu cultura” de la UNESCO y miembro experto de los comités científicos internacionales del ICOMOS: Comité Internacional de Arquitectura Vernácula, Comité Internacional de Madera y Comité Internacional de Patrimonio Inmaterial.


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Bae-Gyoon Park


Bae-Gyoon Park

Professor, Department of Geography Education, Seoul National University, Director, Seoul National University Center for Asian Urban Societies

Seoul National University

South Korean

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Bokcheol Jeong


Bokcheol Jeong

Dean, Seoul Campus, Humanitas College, Kyung Hee University

Kyung Hee University

South Korean

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Bolorsaikhan Badamsambuu


Bolorsaikhan Badamsambuu

Mr. Bolorsaikhan Badamsambuu is a human rights expert and Secretary of the National Committee for Human Rights and former Vice Coordinator of All for Education! (AFE) National Civil Society Coalition of Mongolia (2016-2018). Before joining AFE, he was human rights officer (2008-2016) and acting head of the division in National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia (2014-2015). In the past, he has experience in various human rights organizations and movements including Scout, Red Cross, National United Nations Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights, and Good Neighbors Mongolia. In addition, he served as board member and chairperson of Amnesty International Mongolia and co-founder of Mongolian NGOs such as DemoCrazy Youth Center, Youth Policy Watch, National School Parents Teachers Association and LEAD Alumni Association. He contributes and shares his expertise in various projects and initiatives including election observation in 2008, 2012, 2016, 2017, 'White Ballot' movement, youth development and participation, global citizenship, inclusive education, protection of minorities and marginalized groups, death penalty, sexual harassment in the workplace. His passion to fight against marginalization leads him to study more about the right to education, human rights education, gender equality, development, empowerment and social justice. As an expert of new learning technology, he was developed Mongolian first human rights training online platform including modules on human rights education, monitoring and capacity building. As he sees education as social mobility engine, he voluntarily serves to grassroots NGOs, youth movement, public action as well as children and women CSOs. He studied law in Ulaanbaatar and holds master’s degree in law (LLM) from National University of Mongolia.

National Committee for
Human Rights of Mongolia


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Bombgiizhik Isaac Murdoch


Bombgiizhik Isaac Murdoch

Bomgiizhik Isaac Murdoch is from the fish clan and is from Serpent River First Nation. He is the author and illustrator of The Trail of Nenaboozhoo (Kegedonce Press, 2019, some illustrations by Christi Belcourt). He grew up in the traditional setting of hunting, fishing and trapping. Many of these years were spent learning from Elders in the northern regions of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Bomgiizhik is well respected as a storyteller and traditional knowledge holder. For many years he has led various workshops and cultural camps that focuses on the transfer of knowledge to youth. Other areas of expertise include: traditional Ojibwe paint, imagery/symbolism, harvesting, medicine walks, and ceremonial knowledge, cultural camps, Anishinaabek oral history, birch bark canoe making, birch bark scrolls, Youth and Elders workshops, etc. He has committed his life to the preservation of Anishinaabe cultural practices and has spent years learning directly from Elders.


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Carla Pierre-Paul


Carla Pierre-Paul

Madame Pierre-Paul est une québécoise née à Montréal, dans une famille d’enseignants qui a immigré d’Haïti. Diplômée en gestion de projets des H.E.C. de Montréal, madame Pierre-Paul chemine vers l’obtention d’une maîtrise en administration publique - concentration gestion municipale de l’Ecole nationale d’administration publique (ENAP). Le parcours professionnel de madame Pierre-Paul est étoffé d'implications au Québec et à l'international. Elle a agi en tant que coordonnatrice de projet au sein de plusieurs organisations communautaires et a occupé le poste d'administratrice au sein de divers conseils d’administration dont Oxfam-Québec et l’Institut du Nouveau Monde (INM). Ensuite, elle a travaillé au sein de la direction des commissions parlementaires à l’Assemblée nationale du Québec. De plus, elle a eu l’opportunité de représenter le Québec à l’international en tant que coordinatrice régionale au sein de l’organisation Fashion Revolution, une organisation reconnue mondialement et administrée au Royaume-Uni. Elle a saisi cette occasion pour offrir des ateliers et formations ainsi que d’organiser une conférence médiatique sur la mode responsable au sein de la communauté universitaire et des affaires à Montréal. Finalement, en 2021, elle a été élue conseillère municipale de la Ville de Saint-Jérôme, devenant ainsi la première personne afro-descendante à siéger sur le conseil municipal de la Ville de Saint-Jérôme et première personne afro-descendante élue au municipal de la MRC (Municipalités Régionales de Comté) de la Rivière du Nord. Au sein de son conseil municipal, madame Pierre-Paul est responsable de la commission des affaires communautaires, membre de la commission des travaux publics et représentante municipale de la Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Saint-Jérôme Métropolitain. Elle est aussi membre de trois commissions permanentes au sein de l’Union des municipalités du Québec (UMQ): la Commission Femmes et gouvernance, la Commission de la formation et la Commission des Assises de l’UMQ. Ayant à cœur de changer le monde, une personne à la fois, madame Pierre-Paul est une fière enseignante au Centre de services scolaire de la Rivière-du-Nord.


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Caroline Nepton Hotte


Caroline Nepton Hotte

Professeure régulière au Département d’histoire de l’art de l’Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), depuis juin 2020, et étudiante au doctorat au Département de sciences des religions. Membre de la communauté ilnue de Mashteuiatsh, au Québec, elle s’intéresse depuis plus de vingt ans aux questions autochtones, particulièrement aux enjeux concernant les femmes des Peuples autochtones. S’inspirant des travaux critiques féministes et des études sur les épistémologies autochtones, elle documente et analyse les continuités et les transformations des expressions des identités autochtones à travers les pratiques artistiques des femmes autochtones à l’ère des technologies numériques.


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Cesar Bernal Bravo


Cesar Bernal Bravo

Profesor Titular de Educación en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid. Director del Grupo de Investigación Laboratorio de Innovación y Didáctica Aplicada (GI-LIDA-384). Doctor en Psicopedagogía, Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación. Miembro del Centro de Investigación CYSOC. Ha participado en proyectos del Plan Nacional I+D+i, Unión Europea (Safer Internet, Motfal, …) Ha dirigido más de 10 Tesis Doctorales en distintos programas de doctorados (UNED, UAL, Internacional de UHU) y es autor de múltiples trabajos publicados en editoriales y revistas de prestigio e indexadas.


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Charles Hopkins


Charles Hopkins

Charles Hopkins holds the UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Education towards Sustainability at York University in Toronto, Canada. This Chair, established in 1999, was the first to focus on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) as a central concept and to position sustainability as a purpose of education. Today, the Chair conducts research through two global ESD research networks, the International Network of Teacher Education Institutions and the #IndigenousESD. Hopkins has a long relationship with education and sustainability, locally as a school superintendent in Toronto and internationally, chairing the writing and adoption processes of several UN ESD Declarations. Hopkins has lectured and presented papers in approximately 75 countries. He also serves as the Co-Director of the Asia-Pacific Institute on ESD in Beijing, China.

York University


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Christian Bizimana


Christian Bizimana

Christian Bizimana est né à Bujumbura (Burundi) le 20 mai 1971. Il est le petit-fils du Léon Borgues, résident belge pendant la colonisation du Rwanda-Urundi au début du 20e siècle. ("Bons baisers de la colonie", film produit et réalisé par Nathalie Borgues). En 1994, il immigre au Canada et s’inscrit en sciences politiques à l'université Laval mais ne termine pas son baccalauréat par manque d'intérêt. Pendant plusieurs années, il décroche de petits boulots ici et là. Au début des années 2000, il déménage à Montréal après un an passé à Calgary. Il fait une attestation en gestion des approvisionnements et travaille très peu dans le domaine. En 2010, après une dure séparation conjugale, il décroche une offre d’emploi en Afrique du Sud et il y reste pendant 3 ans avant d’aller entreprendre à son compte au Burundi, pays natal. Malheureusement, une crise politique éclate dans ce petit pays aux milles collines et en 2016, il est contraint de retourner au Canada, pays d’adoption. Christian est papa d’une fille de 17 ans et il travaille aujourd’hui dans le recouvrement.Il s'intéresse à la géopolitique et il est obsédé par la justice sociale.


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Christiane Faymann


Christiane Faymann

Christiane Faymann is a trained dressmaker and holds a bachelor’s degree in educational science. Currently she is in the master’s degree program for adult education. Beside that she is working at the writing center at the university in Klagenfurt and finishing the training to become a writing consultant. She also holds a diploma in theatre pedagogic and has a long work history in the theatrical field. Together with her colleague Elisabeth Rinne, she facilitates the Chair’s “Global Campus Online” project.

Universität Klagenfurt


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Christine Sinclair


Christine Sinclair

Following her retirement in 2018, Christine Sinclair is an Honorary Fellow in the Centre for Research in Digital Education, University of Edinburgh.  For the final three years of her career, she was programme director for the MSc in Digital Education. She graduated from this programme herself in 2010, when working as a lecturer in academic practice at University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. She has written two books for students: Understanding University: A Guide to Another Planet (2006) and Grammar: A Friendly Approach (2010). She now writes and reviews for Postdigital Science and Education with particular interests in educational methods, dialogues and impacts on students and teachers in higher education in postdigital times.


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Claudia Flores Moreno


Claudia Flores Moreno

research assistant to the Decolonizing Global Citizenship in Teacher Education for Canadian and Ethiopian Students research project led by Dr. Gary Pluim. She is a doctoral student in the Joint PhD in Educational Studies at Lakehead University, Orillia Campus, Ontario, Canada, where she started teaching at graduate level this year on education research and social change. She has been a consultant on children's rights and education after working for 3 years as National Education Officer at UNICEF Mexico (2011-2014), promoting adolescent participation at a Federal level in high school. Claudia has also worked at the In-Service Teacher Training department of the Mexican Ministry of Education, contributing to the design of courses and large teacher training events. She did her master’s in Education, Gender and International Development at the University College London Institute of Education, in London, UK, with the support of a Mexican government grant, where she was also a research assistant to the evaluation of mentoring projects of youth at risk and also on middle-class strategies in education. She obtained her first degree in Pedagogy in Mexico City, where she worked at a local non-governmental organization on citizen education and popular (Freirean) education projects in the late 1990s. Claudia has been a research assistant to education research projects on school culture, adult literacy and gender, and school participation, and teacher at different Mexican universities at graduate and undergraduate levels in education programs.

Lakehead University


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Claudia Pedraza Bucio


Claudia Pedraza Bucio

Doctora en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales y Maestra en Comunicación por la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la UNAM. Especialista en temas de género, periodismo, y tecnologías sociodigitales. Actualmente, es Jefa de Investigación Departamento de Arquitectura, Diseño y Comunicación de la Universidad La Salle CdMX. Forma parte del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores categoría SNI 1. Ha sido docente de la UAM Cuajimalpa y de la Universidad Latina. Primer lugar del Concurso Nacional de Tesis de Género “Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz” 2016, otorgado por el Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres, en la categoría de doctorado, con la tesis “Jugar como visitantes: análisis del ejercicio periodístico de las reporteras de deportes en la prensa nacional”. Fue guionista, realizadora, locutora y productora del Sistema Michoacano de Radio y Televisión, Radio Michoacán y reportera de deportes del Diario Provincia. Trabajó como Jefa de Departamento de Monitoreo de Accesibilidad de la Dirección General de Análisis y Contenidos de Medios Audiovisuales del Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones.


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Crystena Parker-Shandal


Crystena Parker-Shandal

Crystena Parker-Shandal is an Associate Professor in Social Development Studies at Renison University College at the University of Waterloo, Canada. She holds a Ph.D. in Curriculum Studies and Teacher Development and a Master’s of Teaching from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto and is an Ontario Certified Teacher. She is the author of Restorative Justice in the Classroom: Liberating Students’ Voices through Relational Pedagogy (2022), Peacebuilding, Citizenship, and Identity: Empowering Conflict and Dialogue in Multicultural Classrooms (2016) and co-editor of Finding Refuge in Canada: Narratives of Dislocation (2021).

University of Waterloo


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Daniela Urosa


Daniela Urosa

Abogada por la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB). Diploma de Estudios Avanzados y Doctora en Derecho por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Profesora de Derecho Administrativo, Derecho Constitucional, Derechos Humanos y Derecho Electoral en la UCAB y varias Universidades venezolanas y latinoamericanas por más de 19 años. Actualmente es Profesora en Boston College Law School y Directora de la Clínica Jurídica International Human Rights Practicum en esa universidad, además de Profesora Aliada Internacional de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Venezuela.


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David Monk


David Monk

David Monk, Associate, is an engaged scholar based at Gulu University in Uganda, where he serves as Supervisor in the Institute for Peace, and Coordinator of the UNESCO Community-Based Research Hub, and supervises students in conflict transformation studies, governance and ethics. His areas of specialization include lifelong learning, youth and work in post-conflict areas; education program development; adult environmental education; and Indigenous knowledge systems. Dr. Monk currently carries out research in northern Uganda on digital portfolios, Indigenous pedagogy, and vocational education in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals. He earned a PhD in education from the University of Victoria.

Gulu University


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David Zandvliet


David Zandvliet

David Zandvliet is a Professor in the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University (Vancouver, Canada) and Director of the Institute for Environmental Learning. He has held additional appointments as an associate faculty member and teaching fellow in the Faculty of Environment (SFU) and is currently an associate member in the Faculty of Science (SFU). He was recently appointed to the newly established UNESCO Chair in Bio-cultural Diversity and Education.

Simon Fraser University


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Didi Kyoung-ae Han


Didi Kyoung-ae Han

As a researcher at the Center for Asian Urban Societies, Seoul National University Asia Center, she has studied East Asian commons and urban precariat movements.

Seoul National University

South Korean

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Djelani Hamm


Djelani Hamm

Djelani Hamm, M.A., M.F.A., Ph.D. is a public-school educator with the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), artist, restorative justice advocate, and African Diaspora expert with extensive knowledge of Senegal. Djelani uses Indigenous African epistemologies and frameworks in his restorative justice practice. He also specializes in traveling to West Africa and researching the “sites of memory” in the former points of commerce in the Transatlantic slave trade, such as Gorée Island in Senegal, the “Slave” Castles in Ghana, and the Whitney Plantation in Louisiana. He has also developed a keen interest in Black Atlantic and Diasporic Cinema.

Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD),

United States

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Dong-Choon Kim


Dong-Choon Kim

Professor, Graduate School of NGO, Sungkonghoe University and Board member of Korea Democracy Foundation 성공회대학교 NGO대학원 교수, 민주화운도기념사업회 이사

Sungkonghoe University

South Korea

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Dzul Razak


Dzul Razak

Prior to his current role as Rector of the International Islamic University Malaysia, Dzul Razak was Vice Chancellor of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM, 2000 – 2011). From 2005, he also held the role of Convenor of the Regional Centre for Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development based at USM, one of seven pioneering centres worldwide. He is a past president of the International Association of Universities (IAU, 2012 – 2016), a UNESCO-affiliated organisation based in Paris. Since 1995, he has written weekly op-ed columns for Malaysia’s dailies. Dzul was conferred Professor Emeritus by USM in 2018 and was an Honorary Professor at the University of Nottingham from 2014 until 2020. He was an invited speaker at the 2015 Nobel Dialogue in Sweden and at the 2023 Nobel Prize Dialogue in Seoul. He is a member of the UN Academic Network for Development Dialogue (ANDD), the National Digital Economy & Fourth Industrial Revolution Council, the Advisory Board of the Right Livelihood College Steering Committee based at the University of Bonn, and the Advisory Board of the Institute of Sustainable Development and Learning at Leuphana University. He is a Senior Fellow of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia (FASc), the World Academy of Art and Science (FWAAS) and the World Academy of Islamic Management (FWAIM). In 2020, he was appointed to the Qatar Foundation Higher Education Strategy Advisory Panel and, in 2021, invited to serve as an expert for the Futures of Higher Education Project at UNESCO’s Institute for Higher Education (IESALC).

International Islamic University Malaysia


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Ebony Gilbert


Ebony Gilbert

Ebony Gilbert is a television writer, playwright, author, and philanthropist. Gilbert’s works highlight marginalized communities, gives a voice to the voiceless, and captures the experiences of the disenfranchised. Her company Dirt-Stained Roses merges community activism with the arts and has awarded over 20 students in Sierra Leone/West Africa a scholarship to help fund their drama program.

United States

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Elanur Yilmaz


Elanur Yilmaz

Received her MA and Ph.D. degrees in the field of Curriculum and Instruction at Middle East Technical University, Department of Educational Sciences, Turkiye. As a disaster risk specialist, an educator and a futurist, she is currently working as a postdoctoral research fellow at Lakehead University-Orillia under the supervision of Dr. Ellen Field, with a primary focus on adopting and sustaining the integration of disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) in education settings. As a contract lecturer, she is offering the "Environmental Education" course in the Faculty of Education (Orillia) for the academic year. She is experienced and competent in the interdisciplinary research areas uniting three main strands of recent and significant education inquiry: (1) Ecological Pedagogy (2) Teacher's Thinking and Cognition and (3) Technology Enhanced Learning Environments.

Lakehead University


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Ella Haley


Ella Haley

Socióloga, investigadora y activista. Es miembro fundador de Langford Conservancy, en el suroeste de Ontario (Canadá), que cuenta con un subgrupo, Lynden Friends of Migrant Farm Workers. Ella colabora con diversas organizaciones para ayudar a crear una comunidad acogedora para los trabajadores agrícolas migrantes y los trabajadores extranjeros temporales (apoyo de emergencia, triaje con abogados, entrega de alimentos, bicicletas, comidas comunitarias, etc.). Como investigadora, Ella lleva a cabo investigaciones en colaboración que reúnen cuestiones en torno a la salud, el medio ambiente, el trabajo y la experiencia de los trabajadores inmigrantes en Canadá. Es coautora de "Migrant Farmworkers Face Heightened Vulnerabilities During COVID-19 (Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 9(3), 35-39).


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Ellen Field


Ellen Field

Dr. Ellen Field is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education at Lakehead University – Orillia, where she teaches Climate Change Education (MEd) and Environmental Education (BEd). Her research focuses on policy and practice of climate change education.

Lakehead University


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Eloy Rivas-Sánchez


Eloy Rivas-Sánchez

Profesor asistente en el Departamento de Dociología de Athabasca University (Alberta, Canada). Su trabajo de investigación explora las formas en que el trabajo precario afecta la salud de las y los trabajadores extranjeros en Canadá (incluidos los trabajadores indocumentados) y las formas en que estos trabajadores resisten la precariedad, construyen comunidad, organizan protestas y desarrollan formas alternativas de ciudadanía, y políticas de corte emancipatorio.


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Emilie Desrosiers


Emilie Desrosiers

Emilie a travaillé sur la Baie d’Hudson en tant que travailleuse sociale au Nunavik durant les 4 dernières années. Elle s’est engagée auprès des communautés en offrant, entre autres, des groupes de guérison sur le deuil, la violence sexuelle et la violence conjugale. Emilie a aussi créé et donné des formations culturellement adaptées pour les travailleur.euse.s ainsi que pour les aidant.e.s naturel.le.s Inuit. Elle complète actuellement sa maîtrise en travail social à l’Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC) où elle se penche sur l’expérience de travail des qallunaat (non-Inuit) travaillant au Nunavik en relation d’aide auprès des Inuit. Emilie travaille aussi actuellement en tant qu’étudiante stagiaire à la Chaire UNESCO en transmission culturelle chez les Premiers peuples comme dynamique de mieux-être et d’empowerment dans le cadre d’un projet de rapprochement entre Autochtones et allochtones.


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Emilio Delgado-Algarra


Emilio Delgado-Algarra

Doctor en Investigación en la Enseñanza y el Aprendizaje de las Ciencias Sociales por la UHU y Doctor en Educación por la UAL. Profesor Contratado Doctor de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales en la Universidad de Huelva. Subdirector del Centro de Investigación Pensamiento Contemporáneo e Innovación para el Desarrollo Social COIDESO. Director de Centro Académico y Cultural de Asia Oriental, centro adscrito SLM y al Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización de la UHU. Investigador del grupo de investigación DESYM y de la Red interuniversitaria de Investigación en Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales RED14. Autor de publicaciones, dirección, organización y comité científico de Jornadas y Simposios. Sus principales líneas de investigación se centran en la enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales, educación ciudadana, memoria, TIC, investigación acción. Investigación entrada en los contextos de España y Japón.


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Enrique Dussel Peters


Enrique Dussel Peters

Doctor en Economía por la Universidad de Notre Dame (1996). Desde 1993 es Profesor Tiempo Completo en la División de Estudios de Posgrado de la Facultad de Economía de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Coordinador del Centro de Estudios China-México de la Facultad de Economía de la UNAM y Coordinador de la Red Académica de América Latina y el Caribe sobre China (Red ALC-China). Miembro de Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI), nivel 3. Autor de artículos y libros sobre organización industrial, desarrollo, procesos de segmentos de cadenas globales de valor y la relación de ALC-China en castellano, alemán, inglés y chino,


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Estela Medina Ibarra


Estela Medina Ibarra

Estela Medina Ibarra.Educadora Normalista en José María Morelos, SantaMaría Huazolotitlan, Jamiltepec, Oaxaca. Egresada de la Escuela Primaria Rural "La Corregidora". Cursos sus estudios de licenciatura en la Escuela Normal Experimental "Pdte. Venustiano Carranza". Actualmente es maestrade primaria en la Ciudad de Bahías de Huatulco.Ella ha tomado cursos titulados “Cultura de la raza Afromestiza” en su comunidad. Actualmente es una educadora y luchadora social por la representacion de las normalistas Afro-Mexicanas.


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Eugenio Anguiano


Eugenio Anguiano

Licenciado en Economía por la UNAM, con estudios de posgrado en las universidades británicas de Leeds y Sussex. Fellow del Centro de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Harvard. . Fue embajador de México en Costa Rica, China (en dos ocasiones), Argentina, Austria y Brasil. Representante permanente de México en Naciones Unidas-Viena; representante suplente de México en el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU. Fue Director del Centro de Estudios de Asia y África, y coordinador del Programa de Estudios APEC del Colegio de Mexico. Desde enero de 2009 es profesor asociado del Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas. Coautor y autor de varios libros, los más recientes: China de los Xia a la República Popular (2010 a. C.-1949), en coautoría con Ugo Pipitone (CIDE, 2012). China reformada y sus dilemas en el siglo XXI, con María Teresa Rodríguez (CIDE, 2019). China: política financiera, crecimiento interno e impacto internacional (Facultad de Economía, UNAM, 2022).


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Eunah Cho

Cultural Performer

Eunah Cho

Pianist. The Genbals Music Society

The Genabls Music Society

South Korean

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Ezequiel Dario Alfieri


Ezequiel Dario Alfieri

Educador popular. Magister en Pedagogias Crìticas y problemáticas socioeducativas de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Profesor de Historia (Universodsd de Buenos Aires). Miembro fundador de la Cooperativa de Educadorxs e Investigadorxs Populares Histórica, organización social responsable de la apertura de los bachilleratos populares en Argentina. profesor de la universidad Nacional de Luján (UNLu). Integrante del GT de CLACSO Educación Popular y Pedagogìas Crìticas.


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Fabian Cabaluz


Fabian Cabaluz

Doctor en Estudios Latinoamericanos, Universidad de Chile. Magister en Educación: Pedagogías Críticas y problemas socio-educativos de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, UBA. Profesor de Historia, Geografía y Educación Cívica de la Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación. Investigador responsable del Grupo de Investigación de Pedagogías Latinoamericanas de la Universidad de Playa Ancha. Educador popular.


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Fayza Abdallaoui


Fayza Abdallaoui

Consultante en développement économique et éducatrice/conférencière en littératie financière et entrepreneuriat auprès des femmes, des immigrants et des groupes marginalisés francophones et bilingues, professeure au Collège Boréal en entrepreneuriat sociale et chroniqueuse Finances personnelles pour Radio Canada, Fayza est une agente de changement engagée et une leader reconnue. Franco-Algérienne établie au Canada depuis 2008, elle s’engage également comme bénévole : ancienne présidente du Mouvement ontarien des femmes immigrantes francophones (MOFIF), elle est actuellement présidente du Théâtre Français de Toronto et membre du CA de la Fondation Club Avenir.


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Fernando D. Lázaro


Fernando D. Lázaro

Educador Popular Argentino - Doctorando en Pedagogía-Cofundador de la CEIPHistórica (Cooperativa de Educadores e Investigadores Populares Histórica - Cofundador de los Bachilleratos Populares de Argentina - Profesor e Investigador de la Universidad Nacional de Luján - Miembro del GT CLACSO “Educación Popular y Pedagogías Críticas” - Coordinador Red Académica. Secretaría Educación de Chiapas, México. Fundador CIPCAL: Círculo de Pensamiento Crítico de América Latina: Difusión, debate y producción teórica - académica referida a las pedagogías críticas. Impulsor y coordinador general del Curso Internacional de Pensamiento Crítico. Fundador y coordinador de la Escuela de Formación de Formadores en Educación Popular (CEIPH). Autor de varios libros y artículos sobre Educación Popular y Pedagogías Críticas. Conferencista internacional.


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Gabriel Allahdua


Gabriel Allahdua

Antiguo trabajador agrícola migrante de Santa Lucía, una isla del Caribe oriental. Es organizador del colectivo Justicia para los Trabajadores Migrantes (J4MW) desde hace casi una década. Actualmente trabaja con trabajadores migrantes en Ontario. Actualmente es Activista Residente (AIR) en la Universidad de Guelph, la primera persona que ocupa ese puesto, que trata de poner en contacto a activistas e investigadores. Es autor del libro "Harvesting Freedom" (2003), publicado recientemente por la editorial "Between the Lines".


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Gary Pluim


Gary Pluim

Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education at Lakehead University in Orillia, Canada, with a Ph.D. in Comparative and International Education (through the Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning) from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. His scholarly interests focus on intersections between decolonizing global citizenship education and place-based learning that is reflexive, critical, and intensely local. His current research investigates the intercultural benefits and challenges of sharing curriculum across national borders, particularly among small states of the Commonwealth. Before joining Lakehead, Gary lived, worked, and researched various aspects of education across the Caribbean, and in the Pacific, East Africa, and the Canadian Arctic. His work has been published in a variety of education journals including Intercultural Education, PROSPECTS, Comparative and International Education, and the Citizenship Education Research Journal. Gary is a husband and a father of three and enjoys biking, skiing and playing music with his family.

Lakehead University


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Geronimo Fernando Santana


Geronimo Fernando Santana

Educador popular. Maestrando en Pedagogias Crìticas y problemáticas socioeducativas de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Profesor de Lengua y Literatura. Miembro fundador de la Cooperativa de Educadorxs e Investigadorxs Populares Histórica, organización social responsable de la apertura de los bachilleratos populares en Argentina. Escritor e investigador. Autor de números textos y artículos vinculados a la educación popular, a las Pedagogìas Crìticas y a la literatura. Especialista en la obra de Antonio Gramsci. Integrante del GT de CLACSO Educación Popular y Pedagogìas Crìticas. Coordinador del mismo GT en el periodo 2023-2025. Miembro editor del boletín Paulo Freire, 100 años. Pasado y presente de una pedagogía liberadora.


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Gervais Noël Mbamfon


Gervais Noël Mbamfon

Docteur en philosophie de l’Université de Yaoundé I au Cameroun. Spécialiste de l’ontologie, de la métaphysique et de l’histoire de la philosophie, il enseigne la philosophie depuis une vingtaine d’années dans les Lycées de son pays, et est l’auteur de plusieurs articles scientifiques et d’une anthologie des philosophes camerounais en cours de publication. Il est en outre membre de la Société Francophone de la Philosophie de l’Education, et président fondateur de la Société Camerounaise d’Etudes Philosophiques (SCEPHI) dont l’objet est de sortir la pensée philosophique de l’académie pour qu’elle imprègne toutes les composantes de la société en vue de la libération, de l’émancipation et de l’épanouissement de l’individu et de la collectivité.


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Gina Thésée

Chair, Panelist

Gina Thésée

Professeure titulaire à la Faculté des sciences de l’éducation de l’Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). Formée en sciences biologiques et en sciences de l’éducation, elle enseigne dans les programmes de formation des enseignantEs du secondaire. Elle est aussi co-titulaire de la Chaire UNESCO « Démocratie, Citoyenneté Mondiale et Éducation Transformatoire » (DCMÉT) et participe aux travaux de certaines sections de l’UNESCO. Elle s’intéresse à l’éducation des personnes en situations de vulnérabilités multiples, notamment, celles qui résultent de dynamiques systémiques de domination, d’oppression et d’exclusion. Socialement engagée, elle s’est impliquée dans le milieu communautaire auprès de la diaspora haïtienne de Montréal.

Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)


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Hakim Owiny


Hakim Owiny

Owiny Hakim is a Community Civic Educator and Social Architect in Uganda. His non-profit is Mission Education (ME), a program for building academic collaboration among under-resourced African universities and American universities with the aim to address academic achievement gaps. He is a fellow of the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders.

Mission Education (ME)


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Hanbyul Shim


Hanbyul Shim

Architect, Senior Researcher, Seoul National University Center for Asian Urban Society

Seoul National University

South Korea

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Hans-Karl Peterlini


Hans-Karl Peterlini

He is Professor at the Department of Educational Science, University of Klagenfurt, Austria, working in the fields of General Pedagogy and Diversity Education, as well as peace research and peace education. Research interests: personal and social learning processes in schools and lifeworlds, experiences of living together in migration societies, and between majorities and minorities. Since 2020 he has been holder of the Unesco Chair »Global Citizenship Education – Culture of Diversity and Peace«.

Universität Klagenfurt


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Harold Leckat Igassela


Harold Leckat Igassela

Juriste de formation et doté d’une réelle passion pour le journalisme, Harold LECKAT IGASSELA est le jeune directeur de GLOBAL MEDIA TIME, l’éditeur des sites d’information Gabon Media Time, GMTme et GMTtv. • Passionné d’écriture et du droit, en juin 2014 alors qu’il est étudiant en fin de cycle Master spécialité Droit des Contentieux de l’Université Paris XIII-Sorbonne-Cité, il crée un site d’actualité juridique dénommé “Que Dit La Loi”. De retour au Gabon, il postule à la profession d’avocat et en parallèle anime son site qui devient une référence dans le domaine du droit, puisqu’il est régulièrement invité sur les plateaux télés et radio pour s’exprimer sur des sujets d’envergures. En 2016, à quelques mois de la présidentielle, Harold LECKAT IGASSELA crée Gabon Media Time, une agence de communication et de transformation digitale après une formation de la Netscouade, un géant européen de la communication numérique. Le site d’actualité est lancé le 4 juillet 2016 comme premier support pour externaliser le savoir-faire de l’Agence, avec la vocation de devenir le n°1 de l'actualité en ligne au Gabon. Ambition qu’il atteint dès 2018. Aujourd’hui, Gabon Media Time comptabilise plus de 55 000 abonnés sur sa base WhatsApp de diffusion d’informations et de publicité, une innovation que ce média a été le premier à expérimenter au Gabon et dans la sous-région. Aussi, le site d’information compte plus de 45 000 vues en moyenne par jour et plus de 238 000 abonnés sur sa page Facebook. Qui au passage est la seule page de site d'information certifiée par l’équipe de Mark Zuckerberg. En juillet 2019, Gabon Media Time devient GLOBAL MEDIA TIME. En septembre de la même année, GLOBAL MEDIA TIME s’attaque au champ libre de l’actualité People et Lifestyle en lançant GMTme, accessible à partir de l’URL (talk to me about me), le deuxième média en ligne édité par l’Agence. À ce jour, ce petit poucet du groupe comptabilise quotidiennement un peu plus de 20 000 vues. GLOBAL MEDIA TIME compte aujourd’hui une quinzaine d’agents permanents et collaborateurs extérieurs qui travaillent d’arrache-pied pour maintenir ses médias au top dans la livraison de l’information aux publics. En février 2020, l’expérience Gabon Media Time s’est exportée vers le Congo-Brazzaville avec le lancement de Congo Media Time, le troisième média de l’Agence et plus tard de GMTforme qui sera le quatrième édité par l’Agence, toujours avec l’ambition de devenir leader dans la sous-région de la CEMAC comme première étape, avant de s’attaquer à la CEEAC et enfin à l’Afrique tout entière. Le mercredi 05 juillet 2023, le cabinet de conseil indépendant spécialisé dans la réalisation d’études socio-économiques Mays Mouissi Consulting et l’agence de communication GLOBAL MEDIA TIME, éditeur du site d’actualité Gabon Media Time respectivement dirigés par Mays Mouissi et Harold Leckat ont publié : « 105 promesses, 13 réalisations - Le bilan du second septennat d’Ali Bongo Ondimba (2016 – 2023) ». Ce rapport-bilan, d’exactement 196 pages, décline de manière exhaustive et documentée le niveau de réalisation des engagements contenus dans le projet de société « Mon engagement pour un Gabon émergent » porté par Ali Bongo Ondimba lors de l’élection présidentielle de 2016.

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Harold Lloyd


Harold Lloyd

Harold Lloyd is a Queer Black actor, scholar, spoken word poet, and overall performance artist from the South Side of Chicago. Lloyd has continued his artistry through performance and narrative writing about identity, race, love, sex, and the survival of sexual violence. With every piece, performance, and story; he uses his emotional voice and writing to give life to Black people, to every survivor of truth, and to those who continue to imagine a world where they no longer have to die in one moment to live in the next. Lloyd continues to use his experience and platform to emphasize art as activism, and using storytelling to amplify voices of the living, the dead, and the unheard.

United States

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Harry Smaller


Harry Smaller

Associate Professor Emeritus, York University Faculty of Education, York University, Toronto, Canada. His research interests include international and comparative education, teachers’ unions (historical and contemporary) and the tracing and streaming of students.

York University


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Hyejin Um


Hyejin Um

Professor, Humanitas College, Kyung Hee University

Kyung Hee University

South Korea

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Hyunmook Lim


Hyunmook Lim

Director, Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APECEIU)

Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding(APECEIU)

South Korea

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Hyunwoo Kim


Hyunwoo Kim

Director, Degrowth & Alternative

The Institute for Degrowth and Alaternative

South Korea

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Iowyth Hezel Ulthiin


Iowyth Hezel Ulthiin

iowyth hezel ulthiin (they/them) is an academic, performance artist, and poet whose research interests focus on embodiment; the intersections between humans, technology, and the environment; and excluded communities. io’s personal experience in outsider pedagogy has grounded their research in heuristic knowledge and an interdisciplinary approach. iowyth is currently pursuing their PhD at T’koronto Metropolitan University in Communications and Cultural Studies. They have recently published their Master’s thesis, The Witch: A Pedagogy of Immanence with Dio Press. iowyth is a co-director of SORCE (Scholarship on Research-Creation Expertise) collective with Alexa Vachon.

Toronto Metropolitan University


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Irma Flores


Irma Flores

She is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education of the University of Los Andes, Colombia. Her interest, both in research and teaching focus on teacher training in qualitative and participatory research, ethnoeducation, popular and rural education inclusion, diversity, and curricular transformation. She has a PhD in Social Sciences, Childhood and Youth, a Master´s degree in Educational and Social Development, and Specialization degree in Community Development and undergraduate degree in Psicology. She is Mentor of the Mentor Training Program in Community Based Research of the UNESCO Chair Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education. She is the Coordinator of the Hub Colombia form the Knowledge for Change Global Consortium.  She has published three books in Spanish: “Experiencias, huellas y reflexiones. Transformación de la práctica docente en la Universidad de Ibagué”. Ediciones Uniandes; “Pedagogía y territorio: El uso de la cartografía social en educación”. Ediciones Uniandes, and “La etnoeducación en Colombia. Una mirada desde as prácticas pedagógicas y la investigación de los maestros”. Editorial ITM and Ediciones Uniandes.

Faculty of Education of the University of Los
Andes, Colombia


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Ivan Prudente Avila


Ivan Prudente Avila

Maestro normalista y escritor. Actualmente trabaja en escuelas públicas en Oaxaca, México y además escribe historias que reflejan los problemas y oportunidades sociales de las comunidades Afro-Mexicanas de Oaxaca, Mexico.


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Ivette Doizi


Ivette Doizi

Profesora de historia y geografía por el Ex-Pedagógico (UMCE), Chile. Magíster en Estudios Hispánicos (UdeM),Canadá. Candidata al doctorado en educación por l'Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO), Canadá. Asistente de investigación de la Cátedra UNESCO DCMÉT y coordinadora del proyecto "développement savoir" en contexto indígena por l'Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC). Las líneas de investigación son : la educación informal, el movimiento social mapuche, el ecofeminismo intercultural en la región de Valparaíso en Chile, la pedagogía transformadora decolonial, la experiencia socioeducativa de niñ@s en contexto intercultural y de racialización.


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Jae-oh Lee


Jae-oh Lee

President, Korea Democracy Foundation

Korea Democracy Foundation

South Korean

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Jane Clarkson


Jane Clarkson

Holds an LLM in law and is licensed to practice law in Ontario, Canada, but decided to leave her busy commercial litigation practice in 2011 and move to Mexico to feed her true passion - animal welfare. Since then, Jane has rescued and rehabilitated numerous street dogs in dire need of help and has volunteered for the largest animal shelter in Merida, Mexico - Evolucion Animal A.C. In addition to helping shelter management trouble-shoot problems, Jane runs the Dogs to Canada Program under which she has sent over 500 shelter dogs to the shelter's rescue partners in Canada. Her greatest aspiration in life is to end the suffering of street dogs and other homeless and/or neglected and abused animals through rescue and to reduce the overpopulation problem in her area through community education and spay and neuter programs.


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Jean-Charles Piétacho


Jean-Charles Piétacho

Innu d’Ekuanitshit sur la Côte-Nord du fleuve St-Laurent, au Québec, Jean-Charles Piétacho est chef de sa communauté depuis 1991. Fils du Chef Philippe Piétacho, il est aussi un survivant du Pensionnat autochtone de Maliotenam et il a fréquenté le Collège Manitou dans les années 1970.


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Jean-François Dupeyron


Jean-François Dupeyron

Jean-François Dupeyron est maître de conférences HDR émérite en philosophie de l'éducation. Il travaille les questions d'éducation et de scolarisation au sein de l'équipe SPH de l'université de Bordeaux-Montaigne. Il a publié entre autres La vie scolaire (2017), A l'école de la Commune (2020), Commun-Commune (2021) et va publier prochainement L'école des communs. Voir


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Jeff Share


Jeff Share

Jeff Share’s research and practice focuses on preparing educators and university students to teach critical media literacy in K-12 education, for the goals of social and environmental justice. He has worked as an award-winning photojournalist, bilingual elementary school teacher, and since 2007, he has been educating new teachers in the Teacher Education Program at UCLA. Jeff is a Fulbright Program Specialist who presents nationally and internationally at conferences, provides professional development at schools, and writes about critical media literacy and environmental justice. He has trained educators in critical media literacy in the US, India, Iraq, China, Mexico, and Argentina. An updated second edition of his book, Media Literacy is Elementary: Teaching Youth to Critically Read and Create Media, was published in 2015. Two years later Routledge published the book he co-wrote with Richard Beach and Allen Webb titled, Teaching Climate Change to Adolescents: Reading, Writing, and Making a Difference. Collaborating with Douglas Kellner in 2019, they published, The Critical Media Literacy Guide: Engaging Media and Transforming Education. (


United States

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Jenifer Ramos


Jenifer Ramos

(she/her) graduated from UCLA in 2021 with a B.A. in Public Affairs and a minor in Education. Jenifer recently worked with a UCLA research lab that focused on providing a reproductive health curriculum for commercially sexually exploited and court-involved-non-incarcerated youth and studying their sexual health knowledge retention. Jenifer served as an intern for Adrin Nazarian, former Assembly Member of the 46th District of California, where she prioritized being an active resource to constituents and learned how to anticipate the potential impact their work had on community members. Jenifer volunteered for the Los Angeles Teen Mentor Organization as a teen mentor for underserved middle school students for 5-years. Throughout this program, Jenifer aided students with improving their literacy skills and affirming their capabilities and pathways to higher education. Jenifer is passionate about continuing her work as an advocate for students, parents, and community members to help them attain resources that support their holistic thriving.


United States

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Jennifer Chesnut


Jennifer Chesnut

Jennifer Chesnut (she/her) has been teaching environmental and social justice education for 12 years. From 2019 until 2022, she co-facilitated a twenty-session online professional development course on the climate crisis for high school teachers from Germany with her partner, Liad Neem. Through Cape Breton University, she completed a thesis on helping students process their eco-emotions when studying the climate crisis. She is lead author on a report detailing oil and gas industry influence in Canadian K-12 education commissioned by the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment.


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Jungeun Park


Jungeun Park

Chair of Policy Committee, People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy(PSPD)

People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy

South Korea

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Jessica Winter


Jessica Winter

Trainer and researcher at Care for Education, a South African non-profit partnered with the LEGO® Foundation. She helps provide teacher training and educational resources to children and schools in need. She played a role in a nationwide initiative, training teachers to implement play-based learning using hands-on manipulatives and helps produce research that underscores the developmental importance of using manipulatives in play-based teaching and learning. She holds a degree in psychology and teaching and an Honours in Educational Psychology from the North-West University, with a special focus on play-based therapy for children with autism. She believes in the transformative power of play in education and ensuring that every child receives a quality education is her driving force.

South Africa

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Jinhae Kim


Jinhae Kim

Vice Dean, Seoul Campus, Humanitas College, Kyung Hee University

Kyung Hee University

South Korea

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Johanna Rinne


Johanna Rinne

Elisabeth Rinne (B.Sc. MA) is a teacher and a graduate of the renowned Master’s program “Global Citizenship Education” at the AAU Klagenfurt, Austria. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in environmental science and has experience working in different pedagogical contexts and institutions. As a project associate, she supports the UNESCO Chair in various tasks of research, communication and outreach, and, together with her colleague Christiane Faymann, facilitates the Chair’s “Global Campus Online” project.

Universität Klagenfurt


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John Traxler


John Traxler

John Traxler, FRSA, MBCS, AFIMA, MIET, is Professor of Digital Learning, UNESCO Chair in Innovative Informal Digital Learning in Disadvantaged and Development Contexts and Commonwealth of Learning Chair for innovations in higher education. He is Academic Director of the Avallain Lab. His papers have been cited over 10,000 times and Stanford lists him in the top 2% in his discipline. He is responsible for over 40 papers and at least seven books and has consulted for a variety of international agencies including UNESCO, ITU, USAID, DFID, EU, UNRWA, British Council and UNICEF.

University of Wolverhampton


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Joonyoung Kim

Cultural Performer

Joonyoung Kim

Geomungo player of the Contemporary Gugak Orchestra from the National Gugak Center

The Contemporary Gugak Orchestra, National Gugak Center

South Korean

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Joël Mputu


Joël Mputu

Citoyen Congolais, diplômé en droit public international à l'Université Protestante au Congo. Étudiant en journalisme international et politique à l'Institut Facultaire des Sciences et Communication/Kinshasa. Fonctionnaire public, activiste des droits de l'homme et de l'environnement. Résidant à Kinshasa en République Démocratique du Congo et aussi observateur et analyste critique des faits sociopolitiques de la région des grands lacs.


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Juan Carlos Mijangos Noh


Juan Carlos Mijangos Noh

Es maya yucateco y profesor investigador en la Facultad de Ciencias Antropológicas de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Doctorado por la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Programa Cuba; posdoctorado en la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Es autor diversos libros, artículos y capítulos de libros científicos sobre temas educativos y sobre el pueblo maya yucateco publicados por revistas, sitios web y editoriales de diferentes países: Alemania, Austria, Chile, Cuba, España, Estados Unidos, México, Países Bajos y Venezuela.


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Julie Bergeron


Julie Bergeron

Présidente de session du domaine de l'éducation: Professeure à l’Université du Québec en Outaouais, elle est membre du comité exécutif de la chaire UNESCO-DCMÉT. Anthropologue et chercheuse en psychopédagogie, elle prend part à de nombreux projets de recherche en développement éducatif national et international. Elle s’intéresse particulièrement à l’accessibilité, la motivation, l’adaptation psychosociale et la persévérance scolaire des populations marginalisées tels les enfants à besoins spéciaux et les femmes.


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Kate MacDonald


Kate MacDonald

Co-Founder, OneKind, has over 30 years experience in the non-profit sector, specializing in strategic planning, capital campaign management, donor and government relations and mission-based advocacy. Kate served as Chief Executive Officer for the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society for 14 years, supporting animal organizations, volunteer groups and Indigenous communities across Ontario. Kate’s main emphasis was on re-focusing the organization’s cultural vision to concentrate on collaborative service delivery - including broadening the scope of strategic alliances, enhancing government relations, strengthening brand recognition and developing province-wide fundraising and advocacy programs. Currently, Kate is working with colleagues to establish OneKind, a non-profit that celebrates the philosophy that animals, people and the environment are interdependent and that global health and wellness is everyone’s concern. We invite you to visit us at


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Katerin Arias


Katerin Arias

Dr. en Ciencias de la Educación por la Universidad Católica de Temuco.


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Katrin Kohl


Katrin Kohl

Executive Coordinator to the UNESCO Chair, Focal Point for SDG 4 in the IAU HESD Cluster (based in Canada/Germany) She is a lawyer and holds an MBA in General Management with experience in education management and strategy development in value-based institutions. For several years, Katrin Kohl was the Managing Director of the German Commission for UNESCO. With her passion for matters of education, Katrin also served in several administrative and management positions in the fields of Higher Education and other education institutions. Katrin serves as an expert for the Asia-Pacific Institute on ESD in China, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in the United Kingdom and the Sejahtera Center for Humanity and Sustainability at the International Islamic University in Malaysia.

York University


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Kayleigh Morrisey


Kayleigh Morrisey

(they/she) graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2023 with a B.A. in English and a minor in Education. They received departmental honors for their undergraduate thesis about Taylor Swift's star image and fandom culture, drawing upon theories related to critical media literacy, Feminist, and Queer studies. Currently, Kayleigh is a Student Affairs Officer at UCLA, extending academic advising and supporting undergraduate students preparing to complete courses during summer sessions. Kayleigh is interested in expanding their craft as a writer and engaging in dialogic exchange/civic action for human and environmental rights. They are especially passionate about supporting undergraduate transfer students as they forge communities and prepare to complete their degrees at 4-year granting institutions.

University of California, Los Angeles

United States

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Keehwang Jeong


Keehwang Jeong

He is a researcher who considers cities as cultural agglomerations and genealogically studies spaces and cities inscribed with the culture of each era, and an architect who designs spaces based on this. He earned his doctorate by studying the process of urban architectural adaptation in modern Seoul and is currently working on 'Housebuilding,' which provides architectural services for the socially disadvantaged, 'K12 Architecture School,' an architectural education program for children and youth, and research on place-based humanistic urban architecture.

Cicihan Institute

South Korean

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Kyung-Hee Kim


Kyung-Hee Kim

She is currently working on the journalism value and media literacy. Her research interests include online journalism, news organization, and audience research. Publications: Digital Korea: Digital Technology and the Change of Social Life, Wooyeon Shin, Kyung-Hee Kim edited, Hanwool academy and many more * Academic Journals: Gender and Media experience: News, Games, Community and Literacy - Kyung-Hee Kim, Ami Kim, Seoul Communication Books and many more

Hallym University

South Korea

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Kyuntae Hahn


Kyuntae Hahn

President, Kyung Hee University

Kyung Hee University

South Korean

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Laurence Guénette


Laurence Guénette

Coordonnatrice et porte-parole de la Ligue des droits et libertés, une organisation qui promeut et défend les droits humains depuis 1963.


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Leight-Anne Ingram


Leight-Anne Ingram

Leigh-Anne Ingram, Ph.D. is an educator, researcher and author with more than twenty years of experience in education. Her research interests focus on inclusive, feminist, and equitable education within a global context. Her current research explores critical and decolonial approaches to online learning with university students in Canada and Ethiopia. With a Ph.D. in Education from the University of Toronto and a Master’s Degree from Harvard University, Leigh-Anne is Adjunct Professor of Education at Lakehead University and teaches courses in critical literacies, social justice education, and education in a global context at both OISE and UTM. In addition, she has worked in many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and Central Asia for such organizations as Freedom House, UNICEF, and the Ontario Ministry of Education. She is also the founder of Smartwork Online Education, which coaches students of all ages in excellent academic, critical literacies, and creative writing. To escape her laptop, she heads to the “green” and loves to dance, paint and write to stimulate her creativity.

University of Toronto


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Liette Vasseur


Liette Vasseur

Dr. Vasseur is a full professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Brock University where she is also an affiliate of the Environmental Sustainability Research Centre, one of the five transdisciplinary spaces at the university. Since 2014, she holds the UNESCO Chair on Community Sustainability: from Local to Global at Brock. She is also a Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute Fellow at Brock. Her research program is highly interdisciplinary and links issues such as community-based ecosystem management, climate change adaptation and resilience and sustainable agriculture and rural communities. In Canada it includes impacts of extreme events on meadow ecosystems, use of new technologies in sustainable agriculture, conservation of biodiversity, ecosystem/landscape sustainable development and resilience in Niagara rural communities.

Brock University


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Lourdes Marleck Rios Nava


Lourdes Marleck Rios Nava

Mexicana por nacimiento. Abogada con maestria en Derecho por la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, con Mención Honorífica. Donde, además, tengo 23 años de ser Catedrática de las materias Derecho Internacional Público y materias Derecho Internacional Privado. Soy maestra por oposición de la catedra de Derecho Internacional Público en la Facultad de Derecho de la UNAM. Encargada del Seminario de Derecho Internacional de la Facultad.Soy abogada litigante, he trabajado durante 32 años en el Bufete Romero Abogados S.C. llevando el área de Derecho Internacional.


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Luke Heidebrecht


Luke Heidebrecht

Luke was born in British Columbia but grew up in Hepburn, SK, in Treaty 6 territory. He is of Mennonite ancestry. His role includes coordinating the Achimok and Peers 4 Wellness projects, facilitating the Sowing Seeds Together research methods workshop, and being involved in research activities such as data gathering, analysis, and knowledge translation through writing and editing. In 2022 Luke received his PhD in Curriculum Studies from USask. For this project he travelled to Guatemala and worked with Mayan communities to examine the impact of experiential education programs on hosting communities. Luke has been involved in various other research projects as an assistant, presenting and publishing, and making connections with the educational research community at the USask. He is married and has two young sons. He loves music, film and keeping active by running and going to the gym.

University of Saskatchewan


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Luz María Garay Cruz


Luz María Garay Cruz

Licenciada y maestra en ciencias de la comunicación y Doctora en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales por la FCPYS de la UNAM Líneas de formación en comunicación educativa y tecnologías de la información y comunicación en la educación Líneas de investigación: 1)jóvenes y apropiaciones tecnológicas 2) colectivos y activistas universitarios y uso de tecnologías digitales 3) alfabetizaciones digitales críticas y mujeres Miembro del SNI Presidenta de la Asociación Mexicana de investigadores de la Comunicación (AMIC) del comité 2011-213 Miembro de la Red Mexicana de Estudios de los Movimientos Sociales Actualmente es profesora investigadora de tiempo completo en la UPN Ajusco


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Magdalena Smrdelj


Magdalena Smrdelj

Dr. Magdalena Smrdelj (DVM DACVPM), Co-Founder, OneKind, Dr. Magdalena Smrdelj (DVM DACVPM) served as the Chief Veterinary Officer of the Ontario SPCA for over 10 years as part of a long career in animal wellness and shelter medicine. Dr. Smrdelj oversaw the flourishing of the Department of Shelter Health and Wellness from two staff members to over one hundred over the course of those years, as they navigated the ever-evolving landscape of veterinary preventive medicine, animal-human relationships, underserved communities, and partnerships and collaborations in order to positively impact animal and human wellbeing. She is currently a founding director of OneKind, a nonprofit organization. Dr. Smrdelj trained in and practiced psychotherapy for over a decade, and was ordained in metaphysical ministry. Her professional interests involve weaving the knowledge and experiences of these three caring professions together to serve the OneKind philosophy of connection, kinship, kindness, love and compassion for all humans, animals and the environment, on the path to awakening from our illusion of separateness.


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Mahazan Abdul Mutalib


Mahazan Abdul Mutalib

Mahazan Abdul Mutalib is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Leadership and Management, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM). He received his Bachelor of Da’wah and Islamic Management (Hons) from Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) in 2005, Master’s in Organisational Leadership from Monash University, Australia (2008) and PhD in Management from Graduate School of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) (2012). He is currently appointed as Assistant Vice Chancellor (Strategic Planning and Corporate Communication) at the Office of Vice Chancellor, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM). Previously, he was appointed as Director of Islamic Science Institute, USIM (2022), Director of Community Engagement and Industrial Relation Centre, USIM (2021), Director of Research and Innovation Management Centre (RIMC), USIM (2017 – 2020), and Deputy Dean (Academic and Research), Faculty of Leadership and Management, USIM (2015-2016). He also act as the Principal Researcher for the Mizan Knowledge for Change (K4C) Hub, USIM, which affiliated to UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility of Higher Education and now working closely with UNESCO Chair to establish a K4C Hub for Asia region based at USIM and International Youth Centre (IYC), Malaysia. He has published several books on Islamic and community leadership. Some of his most recent publications are “The Principles and Practice of Islamic Leadership” by Springer, “The Roles of Spirituality in Leadership and Management Process” by IGI Global, and “Leadership Development Model for Religious Leaders: Answering Issues and Challenges of Mosque Organization in Malaysia”, published by the Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM). He also authored/co-authored a series of publications under USIM Press including “Kepimpinan dan Dakwah Pengajian Tinggi Islam : Suatu Naratif Baharu”, “Dari Menara ke Angkasa”, “Kampung – Reflections of Balance in Development”, “Masjid dan Pembangunan Komuniti Bandar dan Luar Bandar”, “Model Pengimarahan Masjid bagi Kesejahteraan Komuniti Berkonsepkan Mizan”, and a national leadership training module entitled “Qalb- Based Leadership for Malaysia Higher Education Leaders” that gives special focus on concepts and skills of soul-based academic leadership. He is now leading several academic and research projects in Malaysia namely “UNESCO Knowledge for Change (K4C) Mentor Training Program for Asia Region”, “Bridging Knowledge Culture - A Study of Community Leadership of Kampung Guntur in Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan”, “The Kampung Mizan Initiative”, “Management, Governance, And Risk Of Corruption In Syariah Courts, Waqf, Zakat, And Mosque Institutions In Malaysia” and “The Nature and Functions of Qalb in Leadership from the Islamic Perspective”. He also act as academic advisor for Bachelor Degree in Islamic Management and Halal Services as well as Diploma in Islamic Administration for University College Yayasan Pahang (UCYP), research advisor for Malaysian Cooperative Institute (IKMa) in national cooperative leadership succession study, and a referral expert for Malaysia International Youth Council (IYC) UNESCO Knowledge for Change (K4C) program.

Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia


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Marco Álvarez


Marco Álvarez

Sociólogo, historiador y escritor chileno. Doctorante en Estudios Latinoamericano de la Universidad de Chile. Coordinador del Diplomado en “Historia Política. Revolución, dictadura y democracia en el Chile contemporáneo (1957-2019) de la Universidad de Chile. Co-coordinador del Diplomado en “Pensamiento Crítico Latinoamericano” de la Universidad de Chile. Director de la colección editorial “Cuaderno Memoria y Utopía”. Integrante del Grupo de Trabajo de CLACSO: “Historia y coyuntura. Perspectivas marxistas”. Sus líneas de investigación son la historia política, la sociología de los intelectuales, el pensamiento crítico y el marxismo latinoamericano. Es autor, entre otros libros, de “La constituyente revolucionaria. Historia de la Fundación del MIR chileno” (Editorial LOM, 2015), “Tati Allende. Una revolucionaria olvidada” (Editorial Pehuén, 2017) y “La revuelta chilena. Estrategia, izquierdas y movimientos sociales (Editorial Pehuén, 2020).

Universidad de Chile


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Maria del Mar Martin Aragon


Maria del Mar Martin Aragon

Doctora en Derecho. Docente en la Universidad de Cadiz. Entre sus publicaciones destaca: “Framing LGBT-phobic incidents in Spain: beyond hate crimes”, Se ha formado como investigadora en el Departamento de Criminología de la Universidad de Leicester en 2016 y en Centre for Criminology and Sociolegal Studies de la Universidad de Toronto en 2018. Ha participado en los proyectos de investigación Igualdad y Derecho penal: El género y la nacionalidad como factores primarios de discriminación y Valoración de la eficiencia e impacto de la respuesta social y jurídica a la pederastia a partir del análisis criminológico. En la actualidad forma parte de dos proyectos internacionales, New Quality in Education for Gender Equality Strategic Partnership for the Development of Master’s Study program LAW AND GENDER y Modernising European Legal Education.


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Marilyn Poitras


Marilyn Poitras

An innovative changemaker of Michif descent hailing from Southern Saskatchewan, Marilyn Poitras is a lawyer, negotiator, professor, film producer, and most importantly a community builder. Recognized for her expertise, she is the recipient of the YWCA Women of Distinction Award, a Regina Métis Women’s award, Saskatchewan Centennial Medal and the National Aboriginal Land Managers Association Recognition Award. Combining her law degrees and the teachings from traditional Knowledge Keepers in communities all over the world, Marilyn is paving the pathway to an Indigenous language of design thinking for social change.

University of Saskatchewan


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Martha Malanche Gomez


Martha Malanche Gomez

Estudió la Licenciatura en Derecho, la Especialización en Derecho Constitucional y la Maestría en Derecho en la UNAM; profesor de carrera de esta Facultad y Jefa de la División de Educación a Distancia, imparte las materias de Derecho Penal, Juicio de Amparo y Derecho Procesal Constitucional. Trabajó en el Segundo Tribunal Colegiado en Materia Penal del Primer Circuito; fue asesora en la Procuraduría General de la República y Directora de Amparo, Derechos Humanos, Opiniones Jurídicas, Recompensas e Intervención de Comunicaciones en la Subprocuraduría Especializada en Investigación de Delincuencia Organizada, así como asesora en la Cámara de Diputados, entre otros.


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Martine Eloy


Martine Eloy

Elle est engagée dans le mouvement contre la guerre et dans le mouvement féministe depuis l’époque de la guerre du Vietnam à aujourd’hui. Membre active d’une large coalition antimilitariste, le Collectif Échec à la guerre depuis 2003, elle a notamment un intérêt particulier pour la critique féministe de la guerre. (Le Collectif Échec à la guerre est une coalition de groupes étudiants, syndicaux, féministes, d’organisations communautaires et de solidarité internationale, mise sur pied en 2003 pour s’opposer au déclenchement de la guerre contre Iraq. Depuis une douzaine d’années, le Collectif fait un travail de sensibilisation à la montée du mobilise contre les guerres auxquelles le Canada participe, souvent sous des prétextes « humanitaires ».)

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Mathieu Cook


Mathieu Cook

Je suis professeur au Département des sciences humaines et sociales de l’Université du Québec à Chicoutimi depuis 2014. Je détiens une maîtrise en travail social (mouvements sociaux et intervention communautaire) et un doctorat en anthropologie. Dans mes recherches, je m’intéresse actuellement à l’analyse des discours ainsi qu’aux réalités et contextes des relations entre allochtones et Autochtones dans les Amériques. Par le passé, je me suis également intéressé aux luttes pour les droits humains en Amérique centrale, aux luttes environnementales en milieu urbain et à l’organisation communautaire. Je suis actuellement cotitulaire de La Chaire UNESCO en transmission culturelle chez les Premiers Peuples comme dynamique de mieux-être et d’empowerment, pour laquelle je suis responsable de l’axe Nord-Sud. Je suis également membre du Groupe de recherche et d’intervention régionales (GRIR) de l’UQAC. Par ailleurs, je reconnais que ma présence en Amérique du Nord résulte de plusieurs générations de colonisation européenne, lesquelles découlent entre autres d’un colonialisme de peuplement. Toujours en cours aujourd’hui, ce projet colonial est intimement lié à la diffusion d’un modèle économique et politique générateur d’inégalités diverses. Je conçois celui-ci comme une réalité empirique aux répercussions concrètes sur les personnes et leur environnement. J’assume donc ma responsabilité en regard des transformations qui s’imposent. Pour une liste complète de mes contributions scientifiques, voir :

Université du Québec à Chicoutimi


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Melva Uguru


Melva Uguru

Nkechinyere Melva Uguru is a legal practitioner, mentor, and entrepreneur with experience in the non-profit sector and in legal practice. Passionate about youth empowerment, she founded Kachem Young Initiative, where she promotes educational inclusion and access and tries to strengthen literacy and minority rights. She is a fellow of the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders.

Kachem Young Initiative


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Micah Card


Micah Card

Micah Card (she/they) is a writer and doctoral student of education at the University of California, Santa Cruz. An educator for 20 years, Micah has served as a classroom teacher, California state mentor teacher, and as a UCSC graduate pedagogy fellow. She has likewise published and presented work on the topics of progressive early childhood education, constructivist pedagogies, and intersectional perspectives on children’s rights and the ECE workforce. Micah's current research centers the workforce and political economy of early childhood education (ECE), including the cultural and historical narratives that shape the working conditions of the field.

University of California
Santa Cruz

United States

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Michael Jopling


Michael Jopling

Michael Jopling is Professor of Education at the University of Brighton. He writes about and researches issues including education policy, vulnerable families and young people, collaborative school leadership and improvement, and (post)digital education. He is link convenor of EERA’s Children and Youth at Risk and Urban Education network and associate editor of Management in Education.

University of Brighton


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Michael Hoechsmann


Michael Hoechsmann

Michael Hoeschmann es Profesor de la Facultad de Educación, Universidad de Lakehead, Orillia (Ontario).


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Michael O'Sullivan


Michael O'Sullivan

Dr. O’Sullivan, an Associate Professor, specializes in comparative, international and global citizenship education. In addition to teaching in elementary and secondary schools, community colleges and universities, Dr. O’Sullivan has worked professionally and held volunteer positions in community development projects and education in numerous Latin American countries. His Master’s thesis in Political Science was an analysis of the democratically elected socialist government of Salvador Allende in Chile in the early 1970s. O’Sullivan lived in Chile during much of the Allende period. His doctoral dissertation was on the efforts in post-conflict Guatemala of the Mayan people to transform the national curriculum in that country to reflect the historical and contemporary contributions of the Indigenous population to their homeland where they constitute 50% of the population. His current research interests involve investigating the impact of International Service Learning (ISL) trips to marginal rural communities in countries of the Global South on both the Global Northern visitors and the host communities. This particular research reflects his ongoing research interest related to the values, practice and teaching of global education and global citizenship.

Brock University


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Michèle Asselin


Michèle Asselin

Reconnue pour son leadership et son engagement, Michèle Asselin a œuvré dans le mouvement des femmes québécois pendant plus de 30 ans. Elle est active au sein du réseau de la coopération et de la solidarité internationales depuis 2010. Elle est directrice générale de l’Association québécoise des organismes de coopération internationale (AQOCI) depuis 2015. À ce titre, elle a coordonné avec les membres l’élaboration d’une nouvelle vision stratégique de l’Association « Ensemble, nos voix sont plus fortes pour la défense des droits des femmes, des droits humains, de l’environnement et pour la paix ». Elle a aussi contribué à la création du Fonds d’investissement solidaire international du Québec (FISQ). Et elle a soutenu le développement de l’orientation d’éducation à la citoyenneté mondiale de l’Association. De 2010 à 2015, elle a dirigé le Centre international de solidarité ouvrière (CISO), organisme qui regroupe les organisations syndicales québécoises qui intervient principalement sur les questions reliées au travail décent. Elle y a notamment appuyé la Coalition québécoise contre les ateliers de misère (CQCAM), table de concertation qui a réuni une trentaine de syndicats et d’ONG sur la Responsabilité sociale des entreprises (RSE). Après 9 ans à la coordination de l’R des centres de femmes, elle a réalisé trois mandats à la présidence de la Fédération des femmes du Québec de 2003 à 2009. Elle a marqué l’histoire de la Fédération et du mouvement féministe québécois par l’élaboration et la signature d’un protocole de solidarité mutuelle avec l’organisme Femmes autochtones du Québec en 2004. Elle a également à son actif plusieurs années d’engagement au sein de la Marche mondiale des femmes, réseau international qu’elle a contribué à fonder.


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Mickey Huff


Mickey Huff

Mickey Huff is director of Project Censored, president of the nonprofit Media Freedom Foundation, and professor of social science, history, and journalism at Diablo Valley College where he chairs the journalism department. Since 2009, he has co-edited Project Censored’s annual State of the Free Press book. He is also coauthor of United States of Distraction: Media Manipulation in Post-Truth America, Let’s Agree to Disagree: A Critical Thinking Guide to Communication, Conflict Management, and Critical Media Literacy, and The Media and Me: A Guide to Critical Media Literacy for Young People. He’s host/producer of The Project Censored Show on Pacifica Radio.

Diablo Valley College

United States

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Minchul Kim


Minchul Kim

Director, The National Institute of Korean History, Professor, Humanitas College, Kyung Hee University

Kyung Hee University

South Korea

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Miranda McKee


Miranda McKee

As a researcher, educator and curator, Miranda McKee has spent over a decade between Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Toronto developing exhibitions and public programmes in collaboration with artists, art foundations, and government organizations. Her research examines the power of imagery as public pedagogy, with a particular interest in the problematic biases visually embedded within photographs. Her work is driven by a passion for arts and culture initiatives that provide meaningful platforms for community building. Miranda has an MEd from Lakehead University and is pursuing a PhD in Communication and Culture at York University and Toronto Metropolitan University.

York University


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Misko Anungo (Joanne) Robertson


Misko Anungo (Joanne) Robertson

Misko Anungo Kwe (Joanne Robertson), is Bald Eagle Clan, from Atikameksheng Anishnawbek Nation, Ontario. She is an author and illustrator, and a Turtle Island Water Walkers’ helper, having served for the good of Nibi (water) alongside Grandmother Josephine-ba Mandamin. Joanne is an educator passionate about our shared responsibility for taking care of the water. We are all born of water and the spirit of water carries all of our stories. e: Joanne Robertson is AnishinaabeKwe and a member of Atikameksheng Anishnawbek. She was adopted and raised away from her community, but returned over 30 years ago. She received her Fine Arts degree from Algoma University and Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig. She founded the Empty Glass for Water campaign to bring attention to the drinking water crisis in Indigenous communities. She is currently working on a new book for a residential school survivor and continues to support the water walks. Joanne lives near Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.

University of Calgary


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Moon Hee Oum


Moon Hee Oum

She moved to Jeju because of her activism against the naval base in Gangjeong Village. She is an activist of the Gangjeong Peace Network and enjoys living in Gangjeong Village, asking questions about disaster, colonization, community, women, and the like

Beautiful Red Line

South Korean

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Murielle Laberge


Murielle Laberge

est rectrice de l’Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO) depuis le 30 mars 2020. Titulaire d’une maîtrise en relations industrielles et ressources humaines de l’UQO et d’un doctorat en relations industrielles de l’Université de Montréal, Murielle Laberge s’est jointe à l’UQO en 1998. Professeure au département de relations industrielles, elle a travaillé avec le Centre d’études et de recherches en psychologie industrielle et comportement organisationnel et l’Équipe de recherche multidisciplinaire sur les organisations en santé de l’UQO. De 2007 à 2015, Murielle Laberge a occupé les fonctions de doyenne de la gestion académique.Parallèlement à ses fonctions universitaires, Murielle Laberge a également oeuvré en tant qu’experte-conseil en ressources humaines et accompagné de nombreuses organisations des secteurs public et privé dans l’amélioration du climat organisationnel, ainsi que dans l’identification et le développement du potentiel humain. La Médaille de l’Assemblée nationale du Québec lui a par ailleurs été décernée en 2019 pour souligner son engagement bénévole et les services qu’elle a rendus à la communauté.


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Myoungwon Lee


Myoungwon Lee

Myungwon Lee, Ph.D. Professor, Humanitas College, Kyung Hee University

Kyung Hee University

South Korea

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Mía Dragnic


Mía Dragnic

Profesora universitaria, socióloga. Maestra en Estudios de Género y Cultura en América Latina por la Universidad de Chile. Línea de investigación: Movimientos sociales latinoamericanos / Historia intelectual de las mujeres anarquistas en América Latina y El Caribe.


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Nancy Burrows


Nancy Burrows

Nancy Burrows est chargée de programmes à l’AQOCI (l’Association québécoise des organismes de coopération internationale), comme responsable de l’Éducation à la citoyenneté mondiale (ECM). Militante féministe engagée depuis plus de trente ans, elle a notamment été agente de liaison au sein du Secrétariat international de la Marche mondiale des femmes de 1998-2006. Arrivée à l’AQOCI au printemps 2018, elle est responsable de la mise en œuvre d’un plan d’action pour l’ECM visant à accroître la sensibilisation et la mobilisation de la population québécoise relativement à divers enjeux de solidarité internationale. La trame de fond de son engagement réside dans la lutte internationale contre le sexisme, le racisme et l’homophobie, sous le regard de l’analyse féministe intersectionnelle.


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Nicholas Ng-A-Fook


Nicholas Ng-A-Fook

Nicholas Ng-A-Fook is a Full Professor of Curriculum Theory and Vice-Dean of Graduate Studies. He is the former Director of the Teacher Education and Indigenous Teacher Education Programs at the Faculty of Education. He is actively committed toward addressing the 94 Calls to Action put forth by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, in partnership with local Indigenous and school board communities. His teaching and research are situated within the wider international field of curriculum studies, history education and life writing research. Dr. Ng-A-Fook is currently part of several SSHRC grants that seek to disrupt settler colonialism, systemic racisms, and inequities across the school and university curriculum. He is collaborating with communities, graduate students, and colleagues committed as Indigenous and non- Indigenous citizens toward challenging ongoing systemic inequities. He is currently collaborating with Dr. Cindy Blackstock and Dr. Sue Bennett on a SSHRC grant titled: Just because we're small doesn't mean we can't stand tall: Reconciliation educations in the elementary classroom

University of Ottawa


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Nicole Frey


Nicole Frey

With over 20 years experience in inventory and logistics management, founded Animal Food Bank, a non-profit organization, in 2019 as a Canada-wide support for people struggling to feed their pets. Animal Food Bank is volunteer operated and relies on the support of donors to fulfill its mission. Since its inception, Nicole and the team of over 100 volunteers have distributed over 365,000 pounds of pet food and provided 2,000,000+ meals for pets. The global pandemic heightened the need for the work of Animal Food Bank as the effect of the pet experience became more fully understood as both a social and health benefit.


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Nicole Powell


Nicole Powell

Nicole Powell is a critical race theory legal scholar and graduate of UCLA School of Law, Harvard Divinity School, and Loyola Marymount University. She has an active agenda of researching and advocating for social justice in the areas of race, law, and education. While at Loyola Marymount University, she created and established a program modeled after freedom schools called Harambee, which provided college preparation and political education to high school students at Westchester Enriched Science Magnet.


United States

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Nina Gonzalez


Nina Gonzalez

Membre du Centre des travailleurs et travailleuses immigrants (CTTI) y milite au sein du comité des femmes. Fondé en 2001 à Montréal (Canada), le CTTI est un organisme de défense des droits des personnes migrantes, immigrantes et racisées, particulièrement leurs droits du travail.

Centre des travailleurs et travailleuses immigrants (CTTI)


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Nolan Higdon


Nolan Higdon

Nolan Higdon is a founding member of the Critical Media Literacy Conference of the Americas, Project Censored National Judge, author, and lecturer at Merrill College and the Education Department at University of California, Santa Cruz. Higdon’s areas of concentration include podcasting, digital culture, news media history and propaganda, and critical media literacy. All of Higdon’s work is available at Substack ( He is the author of The Anatomy of Fake News: A Critical News Literacy Education (2020) and The Media And Me: A Guide To Critical Media Literacy For Young People (2022).

Merrill College
Education Department at University of California, Santa Cruz

United States

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Nominchimeg Davaanyam


Nominchimeg Davaanyam

Ms. Nominchimeg Davaanyam has worked in Education sector since 2011. She holds bachelor's degree in law from Peking University and completed her master's degree in educational psychology from Kent State University as a Fulbright Fellow. Prior to her degree in the USA, she has worked as a country manager of Cyprus university in Ulaanbaatar, contributed to projects for marginalized groups, such as Talking hands – sign language program with the support from Canada Fund, led School transparency project team with support from US State Department through Lead program, worked as Youth program manager in Transparency International Mongolia. Currently she is working as an Independent educational expert and through her founded “For Better Education” NGO working to empower adolescent mothers in Mongolia.

Government of Mongolia


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Ohbyung Kwon


Ohbyung Kwon

Provost, Seoul Campus, Professor, School of Management, Kyung Hee University

Kyung Hee University

South Korean

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Ojooluwa Ibiloye


Ojooluwa Ibiloye

Ojooluwa Ibiloye is a doctoral student at the University of Delaware's Biden School of Public Policy and Administration. His research lies at the intersection of social media, citizen engagement, and policymaking in Africa. He serves as a Graduate Fellow at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) Ithaca Initiative. In this role, he assists in conducting research to advance the mission of SNF Ithaca as a national hub for civil discourse and deliberative democracy. He is also the founder of RuralPro, a nonpartisan nonprofit, where he oversees the Youth Civic Activism in Nigeria (YouthCAN) and Citizens at the Center initiatives, which aim to increase youth engagement in policymaking and collaboration between communities and elected officials, respectively. Previously, he served as Senior Policy Analyst at Cerebral Hub, Nigeria, where he developed and managed innovative approaches to policy communication. He has received prestigious fellowships like the U.S. government's Mandela Washington Fellowship and the International Republican Institute's McCain Fellowship for Freedom. Prior to his doctoral studies, he earned his Master's degree in Political Economy and Development Studies and a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from the University of Abuja. His analysis has appeared in Voice of America, The Japan Broadcasting Corporation, Africa Independent Television, and Daily Trust, among other outlets.

RuralPro Nigeria


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Olga Kochie Akou


Olga Kochie Akou

Chercheure en philosophie de l'éducation (équipe de recherche Sciences Philosophie, Humanités - SPH de l'université de Bordeaux Montaigne), membre de la société francophone de philosophie de l'éducation (SOFPHIED). Elle mène également une activité d’enseignement en ingénierie de la formation à l'institut national supérieur du professorat et de l'éducation (INSPE). Ses travaux de recherches, inspirés de la pédagogie de Freire, ont été suscités par la mort massive de ressortissants d'Afrique Subsaharienne francophone dans le cadre de leurs projets d'émigration clandestine vers l'Europe et principalement les pays avec qui il a existé et/ou persiste un lien colonial, un rapport de domination coloniale. Dès lors, elle s'intéresse aux rapports de domination dans tout type de relation dans le contexte de la mondialisation accrue et des interdépendances inévitables entre les nations.


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Orlando Perez

Orlando Perez

Profesor de grado y posgrado en formación de Educadores, Gerentes, Administradores e Innovadores. Dr. en Educación y Administración. Especialista en estrategia, proyectos, innovación educativa y organizacional. Director de Posgrado e Investigación en la Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias Humanas, Campus Asunción de la Universidad Católica de Asunción. Miembro del Comité Consultivo Nacional e Internacional de la Cátedra UNESCO en Democracia, Ciudadanía Global y Educación Transformadora (DCMÉT). Investigador en Educación, Innovación Educativa, Sistemas Organizacionales y Empresariales, Interculturalidad, Pedagogía organizacional, Responsabilidad e Innovación Social y Sostenibilidad.


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Oyunsuren Damdinsuren


Oyunsuren Damdinsuren

Senior Lecturer, National University of Mongolia, Member of Steering Committee, Northeast Asia Regional Peacebuilding Institute. Oyunsuren graduated from INALCO (France) with an MA in International Relations and the Texas A&M university (USA) with an MA in International Affairs. She teaches courses on diplomacy, international organizations, and conflict resolution. Recent publications (in Mongolian) include “Introduction to International Relations and Globalization” (co-author 2016), and “Introduction to Foreign Policy, Diplomacy and Diplomatic Service” (co-author, 2009). In 2014, she initiated and organized the first peace studies conference in Mongolia and in 2015 successfully hosted the NARPI training in Ulaanbaatar. Oyunsuren served as the Board Chair of Amnesty International Mongolia from 2015-2017. She speaks Mongolian, English, French, German and Russian.

National University of


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Patrick Minko


Patrick Minko

Patrick Minko est Coordinateur de la Chaire UNESCO DCMET et Chercheur à l’Observatoire des communautés noires du Québec. Il est Docteur en Ethnologie après avoir suivi des études en Histoire.



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Paul R. Carr


Paul R. Carr

PAUL R. CARR is a Full Professor in the Department of Education at the Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada, and is also the Chair-holder of the UNESCO Chair in Democracy, Global Citizenship and Transformative Education (DCMÉT). His research focuses on political sociology, with specific threads related to democracy, global citizenship, media literacy, peace studies, the environment, intercultural relations, and transformative change in education. He has seventeen co-edited books and an award-winning, single-author book (Does your vote count? Democracy and critical pedagogy, Peter Lang Publishing) as well as a book with Gina Thésée (“It’s not education that scares me, it’s the educators…”: Is there still hope for democracy in education, and education for democracy?, Myers Education Press). He is the principal investigator of two Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) research projects entitled, respectively, Democracy, political literacy and transformative education, and Social Media, Citizen Participation and Education. Before entering academia, he was a Senior Policy Advisor in the Ontario Ministry of Education (Canada), working on equity and social justice issues.

Université du Québec en Outaouais


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Paul Tarc


Paul Tarc

Paul Tarc is Associate Professor in Critical Policy, Equity and Leadership Studies at the Faculty of Education at Western University in London, Ontario, Canada. His research on progressive and critical forms of education in global times, engages the levels of policy to classroom pedagogy. He has taught for nine years in K-12 schools in South America, South-East Asia and Ontario. He has written in the areas of international/global education, International Baccalaureate, International Schooling and Internationalizing Teacher Education. He is PI of the SHHRC funded study: Translating and Mobilizing UNESCO’s 'A New Social Contract for Education:' Illuminating and supporting teachers' worldly and critical pedagogies.

Western University


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Pedro Uc Be


Pedro Uc Be

Diplomado en ciencias sociales por la Escuela Normal Superior de Campeche. Imparte clases de filosofía e historia desde 1993 en el municipio de Ticul , Yucatán, en el Centro Educativo José Dolores Rodríguez Tamayo (CERT). En 2015, se anunció que su plaza de docente había sido retirada. Actualmente es profesor de la Escuela de Creación Literaria del Centro Nacional de Bellas Artes (CEBA), escuela en la que también estudió. También se graduó en teología en el Seminario Teológico Presbiteriano San Pablo en 1985, en la ciudad de Mérida. A través de consultas y talleres en lengua maya, acompaña procesos de formación y reflexión sobre la cultura e identidad maya en muchas comunidades indígenas de la Península de Yucatán. Es miembro de la Asamblea de Defensores del Territorio Maya Múuch.


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Penelope Lowder


Penelope Lowder

Penelope Lowder is a playwright, screenwriter, and novelist. Her play, West Adams, was the L.A. Times Critic’s Pick for 2020. Her other works include Water, The Follicle Prison War, 15 Minutes, Reaching Autonomy, And So We Supped, The Third Day, A Drop of Sun, Show Me To Shondas and Honest Sam. Her commissioned monologue for Pathway To The Ballot Box at Historic Huguenot Street debuted in the spring of 2020. Her films, “15 Minutes” and “4Closure” have been screened at the Women of African Descent Film Festival in New York as well as Indie Film Festivals. She Shot Me was chosen for the Voices of the Rebellion. Her 10-Minute play Casserole was chosen to be performed at Meet Cute.

United States

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Petar Jandrić


Petar Jandrić

Petar Jandrić is Professor at the Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Croatia, and Visiting Professor at the University of Wolverhampton, UK. Petar’s research interests are at the postdisciplinary intersections between technologies, pedagogies, and the society, and research methodologies of his choice are inter-, trans-, and antidisciplinarity. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Postdigital Science and Education journal and book series His recent books include Postdigital Dialogues on Critical Pedagogy, Liberation Theology and Information Technology (2020), Knowledge Socialism. The Rise of Peer Production: Collegiality, Collaboration, and Collective Intelligence (2020), and The Methodology and Philosophy of Collective Writing (2021). Personal website:

Zagreb University
of Applied Sciences


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Raquel Ramírez Salgado

Raquel Ramírez Salgado

Doctora en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, maestra y licenciada en Comunicación. Desde hace 18 años, es docente, tallerista y conferencista bajo la temática de los derechos humanos, la perspectiva feminista de género y los medios de comunicación. Realizó una estancia de investigación en la Universidad Libre de Berlín durante el semestre de invierno 2016-2017. Es creadora del proyecto “Escuela Feminista de Comunicación”, con el cual se han formado cerca de 400 personas comunicadoras y activistas. Es colaboradora del Mecanismo de Protección Integral de Personas Defensoras de Derechos Humanos y Periodistas de la Ciudad de México (en el rubro de género y Comunicación), y docente del Museo Memoria y Tolerancia.


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Raul Olmo Fregoso Bailon


Raul Olmo Fregoso Bailon

Raul Olmo Fregoso Bailon, Ph.D. Department of Educational Studies, College of Education, University of Nevada, Reno, United States. He is member of the International Advisory Committee of the UNESCO Chair in Democracy, Global Citizenship and Transformative Education and his scholarship has either been published or is forthcoming in edited collections, including Handbook of Theory and Research in Cultural Studies and Education (Springer), Keywords in Radical Philosophy and Education (Brill) and journals such as Bilingual Research Journal, Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana, Policy Futures in Education, Contextualizaciones Latinoamericanas, Revista Tempos e Espaços em Educação, and other forums.

Department of Educational Studies, College of Education, University of Nevada, Reno, United States.

United States

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Rocío González-Andrio Jiménez

Rocío González-Andrio Jiménez

Licenciada en Geografía e Historia por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Experta en informática aplicada a la educación por la UCM. Investigadora y profesora, Dr. por la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos en Madrid. Imparte las asignaturas de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales and Didactics of Social Science en la URJC. Sus áreas de investigación se centran en temas relacionados con las mujeres, ciudadanía digital, redes sociales y educación cívica online y offline. Investigadora del Grupo de investigación emergente Laboratorio de innovación y didáctica aplicada - GI-LINDA, de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos y colabora con el proyecto de investigación de la Cátedra UNESCO en Canadá sobre Democracia, Ciudadanía mundial y Educación transformadora (DCMÉT). Autora de diversas publicaciones en el ámbito de la educación, compromiso cívico online y tecnología.


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Rosa María CastroSalinas


Rosa María CastroSalinas

Rosa María CastroSalinas es una educadora, activistay especialista en la gastronomia Afro- Mexicana. Ella es presidenta de la Asociacion Mujeres Afro-Mexicanas de la Costa. Pre-candidata por una diputacion local en Oaxaca como la primera mujer Afro-Mexicana. Representante ante la OEA de mujeres Afro-Mexicanas. Fundadora de la Cátedra Itinerante de Mujeres Afromexicanas y Afrodescendientes. Actualmente se encuentra estudiando un doctorado en derecho para hacer valer los derechos de las comunidades Afro-Mexicanas, especificamente de las mujeres. Rosa Maria ha sido representante de las comunidades Afro-Mexicanas en varias instituciones tanto en Mexico como en Estados Unidos.


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Saliou Ngom

Saliou Ngom

Saliou Ngom est socio-politiste. Il a soutenu en 2017 une thèse de doctorat de science politique à l’université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, au centre d’étude de sociologie et de science politique (CESSP). Depuis 2020, il est chercheur à l’IFAN (Institut fondamental d’Afrique noire) et enseignant au département de science politique de l’université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar. Il est aussi chercheur associé à la chaire ICAO (Islam contemporain en Afrique de l’Ouest) de l’université de Québec à Montréal. Il travaille sur la démocratisation, les partis politiques et les mouvements sociaux en Afrique et est l’auteur de Femmes et politique au Sénégal. Les dynamiques d’inclusion et d’exclusion de l’indépendance à nos jours (2021).


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Samira Jasmin


Samira Jasmin

Militante et porte-parole de Solidarité sans frontières, un réseau de justice migrante actif à Montréal (Canada) depuis 2003.

Solidarité sans frontières


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Sangcheol Kim


Sangcheol Kim

A political activist with a keen interest in urban politics and urban social movements. He has been a member of a progressive political party for many years and is currently working to implement various agendas based on his political party experience. He is active in the Gyeongui-Sun Commons Line, an example of the commons movement in South Korea, and he is the policy chair of Our Public Transport Network, which focuses on public transportation.

Our Public Transport Network

South Korean

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Sarah Hayes


Sarah Hayes

Sarah Hayes is Professor of Education and Research Lead in the School of Education, at Bath Spa University, UK and an Honorary Professor at Aston University, Birmingham, UK. She is an Associate Editor for the Postdigital Science and Education journal. Sarah co- edited Bioinformational Philosophy and Postdigital Knowledge Ecologies (2022) with Michael Peters and Petar Jandrić. She wrote The Labour of Words in Higher Education (2019) and Postdigital Positionality (2021) which opened debate on how disadvantage manifests in the disconnect between inclusivity policies and widespread digitalisation and datafication of society.

University of Wolverhampton


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Segundo Quintriqueo

Segundo Quintriqueo

Profesor de Educación Básica Intercultural, por la Universidad Católica de Temuco (UCT), Chile. Magíster en Educación por l’Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT). Doctor en Educación por la Universidad de Extremadura, España. Profesor Titular e Investigador del Centro de Investigación en Educación en Contexto Indígena e Intercultural (CIECII) de la UCT. Investigador Asociado del Centre Interuniversitaire d’Étudeset de Recherches Autochtones (CIÉRA)de l’Université Laval et collaborateur-chercheur dans l’Équipe de développement et de recherche d’actions collaboratives en contexteéducatif autochtone (L’ÉDRACCÉA), de l’UQAT, Québec-Canada. Las líneas de investigación son: educación e interculturalidad.


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Seoungwon Lee


Seoungwon Lee

Lecture, Kyung Hee University, Deputy-Director, Seoul National University Center for Asian Urban Societies

Seoul National University AC CAUS

South Korean

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Serafin Arviola


Serafin Arviola

Serafin Arviola spearheaded the foundation of the National Coordinating Body of UNESCO Clubs in the Philippines (NCBUCP), where he served as founding chairperson. Currently, Dr. Arviola is serving as an Associate Professor of the PNU-Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences (FBeSS) and the Director of Global Citizenship Education Cooperation Centre (GCC-Philippines). This is a five-year project spearheaded by the Philippine Normal University with the Department of Education (DEPED)with funding support of UNESCO-Asia Pacific Center on Education for International Understanding which aims to mainstream global citizenship and education for sustainable Development in the K-12 Curriculum. He is a Fellow of Asia Society and International Center of Tolerance Education based in New York USA. He obtained is Doctorate Degree on Peace and Security Administration at Bicol University and an author of recently published book “Human Sketches: Understanding Culture, Society and Politics”.


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Sharla Mskokii Peltier


Sharla Mskokii Peltier

Sharla Mskokii Peltier, Loon Clan, from Chippewas of Rama, Ontario. She is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education, Lakehead University. Her research and teaching experiences in community and post secondary contexts are rich with storytelling, community culture land-based pedagogy and relational ideologies. Mskokii Kwe’s scholarship centers passing on the knowledge through life experience stories to enhance relationships alongside Lands and Waters.

University of Alberta


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Shawn Morey

Shawn Morey

Executive Director of the Peterborough Humane Society (PHS) where his vision and leadership have been instrumental in creating the new, state-of-the-art Peterborough Animal Care Centre that is home to the PHS Adoption & Education Centre, the Peterborough Regional Spay and Neuter Clinic, and Ontario SPCA’s Provincial Dog Rehabilitation Centre. Shawn has been recognized for his leadership and achievements both within the animal welfare community and in the broader Peterborough area. In 2020, he was named one of Peterborough's Top 4 under 40, an honour that recognizes leaders under the age of 40 who are making a positive impact in the community. Shawn's passion for animal welfare and his commitment to making a difference in the lives of animals have made him a respected and admired leader. Shawn continues to inspire and motivate others to get involved in the cause and work towards a future where all animals are treated with kindness and respect.


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Sicong Chen


Sicong Chen

Associate professor at the Department of Education, Kyushu University, Japan. He specializes in the policy, practice and politics of citizenship education in East Asian contexts. He is the author of The Meaning of Citizenship in Contemporary Chinese Society: An Empirical Study through Western Lens (Springer, 2018).


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Solomon Belay Faris


Solomon Belay Faris

Dr. Solomon Belay Faris was born and raised in Ethiopia. His interest in the history and making of his country started from childhood. He earned his first degree in Biology from the University of Asmara and second degree in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Addis Ababa. He earned his doctoral degree in Science and Development Education from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Science and Mathematics Education, College of Education, University of Addis Ababa.


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Soon-Yong Pak


Soon-Yong Pak

Dr. Soon-Yong Pak currently teaches anthropology and education at Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea. He received his M.A. in International Development Education from Stanford University, and his Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He was a visiting professor at Harvard University’s Yenching Institute during 2012-2013 academic year. He is currently the Executive Editor of the International Journal of Multicultural Education. He served as a governing board member of UNESCO-APCEIU from 2015-2022. Dr. Pak has actively published papers on the cultural dimensions of education. Recently he has co-authored several books including “Research on Global Citizenship Education in Asia”, “Multiple Pandemic”, and “Life as a Refugee in the Republic of Korea”. His research interests involve the local and the global dimensions of human migration, refugee issues, and Global Citizenship Education.

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Suh-Hyun Park


Suh-Hyun Park

Park, a research professor at the Research Center on the Commons and Sustainable Society at Jeju National University, has been researching the commons from an Autonomist perspective. He is a co-translator of Reflection on Empire by Antonio Negri, while his journal articles include "Alternative Production of Knowledge Commons in Korean Academic Society" and "Alternative Sharing of Knowledge Commons in Korean Academic Society."

Jeju National University

South Korea

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Sumin Cheon


Sumin Cheon

Student, Department of English Language and Literature

Kyung Hee University

South Korea

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Tanaka  Muparadzi


Tanaka Muparadzi

Author Tanaka is the founder and CEO of a local Non-Governmental Organization, Trafficking in Persons Advocate Network Trust working to combat human trafficking in Zimbabwe and across Southern Africa. Tanaka is also a co-author in the book Combating Human Trafficking, a book reflecting the voices from East, West and Southern Africa on their work to stop human trafficking. She is a fellow of the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders.

Trafficking in Persons Advocate Network Trust


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Tania Cruz-Salazar


Tania Cruz-Salazar

Investigadora social tanto en México (El Colegio de la Frontera Sur) como en Canadá (Carleton University). Actualmente estudia el impacto de la irregularización sobre los mexicanos de Chiapas que viven en Canadá. El objetivo teórico- metodológico de Tania Cruz-Salazar es hacer uso del enfoque de la migración internacional y los paradigmas del derecho laboral utilizando la perspectiva de la antropología cultural para entender la experiencia de las personas que pierden el “estatus legal” y luchan por recuperarlo. Su artículo más reciente es “Young Tzeltal Migrants from the Ejido to Californian Cities” (2023) publicado por Latin American Perspectives.


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Tim Fawns


Tim Fawns

Associate Professor (Education-Focused), working within the Monash Education Academy, Monash University, Australia, where his role involves academic input into initiatives that support and recognise the development of educational practice at Monash.

Monash Education Academy


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Tomás Torres

Tomás Torres

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Trilce Ovilla Bueno

Trilce Ovilla Bueno

Abogada egresada de la UNAM. Profesora de tiempo completo de la Facultad de Derecho de la misma Universidad. Forma parte del Comité Académico del Programa Universitario sobre Estudios sobre Asía y África de la UNAM; del Comité editorial de la Revista UNAM Internacional, así como de la revista Methodos publicada por la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de la Ciudad de México. Es miembro de la Barra Mexicana de Abogados y de la Asociación Española de Ciencia Política y de la Administración. Actualmente se desempeña como coordinadora de vinculación internacional de la Facultad de Derecho de la UNAM.


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Tungalag Dondogdulam


Tungalag Dondogdulam

National Coordinator of the “All for Education!” National Civil Society Coalition. She worked for several years in education and human rights NGOs as an education advocate to transform education system and concept in Mongolia. She has been engaged in different projects on teacher education, gender based violence prevention at schools, education for democracy and inclusive education. She has experience in the field of education in domains as diverse as education financing, education privatization, community building, social accountability, and governance. She is an International advisory committee member, UNESCO Chair on Democracy, Global Citizenship & Transformative Education (DGCTE).

"All for Education"
Civil Society Coalition of


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Utak Chung


Utak Chung

Visiting Professor, Kyung Hee University, Representative of Korea, Global Partnership for Education

Kyung Hee University

South Korean

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Vanessa Reyes


Vanessa Reyes

Graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) this year with her Bachelor’s Degree in Education and Social Transformation from the School of Education and Information Studies. She began her college career at Mount San Antonio College and transferred to UCLA during the pandemic. While studying at UCLA she took several classes with Jeff Share where she volunteered to be a peer teacher during this time and educate her classmates about critical media literacy.


United States

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Viviana Medina


Viviana Medina

Trabajadora inmigrante, activista y organizadora comunitaria. Miembro de Femmes des divers origines FDO desde 2010 Fundadora de Mexicaines uni.e.s pour la regularitation 2011 Fundadora y organizadora de la Association des travailleurs et travailleuses d'agences de placement ATTAP desde 2011 Coordinadora de la International Migrant Alliance IMA, capítulo Canadá desde 2018 Actualmente es organizadora comunitaria en el Centro de Trabajadores Inmigrantes de Montreal desde 2104. Una organización dedicada a defender los derechos y organizar a los trabajadores migrantes precarios.


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Walys Becerril Martínez

Walys Becerril Martínez

Doctora en ciencias políticas y sociales y maestra en comunicación, por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Licenciada en ciencias de la comunicación con énfasis en producción audiovisual por la misma casa de estudios. Se ha especializado en la investigación de audiencias, medios de comunicación y tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) desde un enfoque feminista y de estudios culturales. Es integrante de la Escuela Feminista de Comunicación, coordinadora del Laboratorio de comunicación comunitaria feminista y profesora investigadora de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Ganadora del Primer Permio Nacional de Becas Doctorales de la Asociación Mexicana de Investigadores de la Comunicación.


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Wietske Boon


Wietske Boon

Wietske Boon is a specialist in child development and does consulting work in her field of expertise (South Africa). She is, amongst other publications, the author of a book (currently in press) and co- author of a book chapter which are both based on her research on social and emotional development and language of learning during the early childhood years. She completed her PhD on early childhood education at the University of Pretoria. She holds an honours' degree in psychology and a master’s degree in play therapy. She takes part in vignette research projects that inter alia promote partnership between the Global North and South. Wietske is participating in the UNESCO GloCo project with specific focus on play-based education and learning for learners from different age groups and different learning styles.

University of Pretoria

South Africa

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Won Soo Kim


Won Soo Kim

Rector, Global Academy for Future Civilizations, Kyung Hee University, Former UN Under-Secratary-General

Kyung Hee University

South Korean

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Wongyu Jeong


Wongyu Jeong

Wongyu Jeong is an associate professor of social philosophy and ethics at the Department of Social Education of Seoul National University. He is currently developing a democratic citizenship curriculum of National Museum of Democracy and Human Rights. He received a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Seoul National University. He was the President of the Korean Society of Ethics. He is the author of Democratic Republicanism and Controvicial Textbook of Politics (co-authored).

Seoul National University

South Korea

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Wonjae Lee


Wonjae Lee

Chair of Executive Committee, Cultural Action, Invited professor, Kyung Hee Cyber University, Former committee member of Arts Council Korea

Cultural Action

South Korean

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Wonsuk Choi


Wonsuk Choi

Media Educator (media educator), MSc in Journalism, Former YTN reporter, researcher at Community Media Foundation. Research interests: Media literacy education, digital citizenship, AI ethics. Wonseok Choi is a media literacy educator and a freelance journalist. With a background in reporting as well as academic study in journalism and education, Choi focuses on collaboration. Choi worked at YTN, a South Korean news channel, and on disinformation and fact-checking policy campaigns for public organizations. His research interests include media education, digital citizenship, gender sensitivity, AI ethics education, and local governance and media ecosystems.

South Korea

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Yangbeom Park


Yangbeom Park

A geographer in love with philosophy. He loves Albert Camus's 'Myth of Sisyphus' the most. Like Sisyphus, who keeps rolling a stone to the top of a mountain, forever, and still remains in the same place, he started his study because he wants to know why it is so easy to work a lifetime and still be poor. His current research interests include political ecology, political geography, energy transition, sustainability, and commons. For now, he is about to start a PhD program - to start rolling new stones.

Seoul National University

South Korea

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Yea-Yl Yoon


Yea-Yl Yoon

Yoon is a research professor at the Research Center on the Commons and Sustainable Society at Jeju National University. He was a visiting researcher at Doshisha University, an Adjunct Professor at Sungkonghoe University, and a visiting scholar at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Jeju National University

South Korean

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Yeojin Jeon


Yeojin Jeon

Student, Department of Global Eminence

Kyung Hee University

South Korea

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Yun Cheol Kim


Yun Cheol Kim

Director, The Practical Education Center, Professor, Humanitas College, Kyung Hee University

Kyung Hee University

South Korea

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Zhiying Ly


Zhiying Ly

Ph. D., Catedrática Vicedecana de la Academia de Gobernanza Regional y Global, Vicedecana de la Facultad de Estudios Hispánicos y Portugueses de la Universidad de Estudios Extranjeros de Beijing (BFSU). Es Viceredactora jefe de la Revista Académica Interacción Sino-iberoamericana (en español). Entre sus cargos académicos, se descatan el miembro ejecutivo del Consejo de Academia Nacional de América Latina, el miembro ejecutivo del Consejo de Academia Nacional de Estudio de Historia Latinoamericana, el miembro del Consejo de la Asociación del Confucionismo Internacional y miembro de la Subcomisión de Español de la Comisión de Dirección de Enseñanza de Lenguas Extranjeras del Ministerio de Educación de China.


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